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Some People Just Don't Get It! Jill Biden Loudly Booed At Eagles Game In Philly

Started by G.L.R., Mon 17 Oct 2022

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Jill Biden Loudly Booed as She Appears on Jumbotron at Eagles Game in Philly (VIDEO)

October 16, 2022

Must be pretty bad when the town you grew up in starts booing you

Jill Biden was loudly booed at the Eagles vs Cowboys game Sunday night at the Lincoln Financial Field in her home town of Philadelphia (she was born in Jersey and grew up in Philly). Dr. Jill attended the NFL game Sunday night to promote breast cancer awareness. Joe Biden's nurse and handler Jill didn't get a warm welcome. The crowd booed Jill Biden during the coin toss. Update: It appears video of Jill Biden getting booed has been scrubbed from the networks so we will keep looking! Sports blog Outkickasked fans for help finding video of Dr. Jill getting booed: "Of course, videos of this have been tough to find.

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok


The link video is obvious - the boos are LOUD and CLEAR!  And some let's go Brandons.  Even Utube admits that she got booed off the field. 82 million votes you say?  On hearing the JewTube version just now, must say they are again making excuses for Joe and Jill. 

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok

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