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Dead Dancer Dick Van Dyke Was a Wetback!

Started by Rev.Cambeul, Tue 27 Dec 2022

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Admin Note: All you need to know before reading this, is that in England, a truck is often referred to as a lorry. So consider this ...

From the Readers Digest version of The Unauthorised Biography of The World's Worst Cockney Chimney Sweep

Born Ricardo Lorenzo Lezbosa in Tijuana in Mexico, the clever Dick smuggled himself into the United States hidden inside sewage truck. Sewage from Mexico at the time was to be fed as a gruel marketed as Beaner's Best Bendecho Stew to America's cotton pickin' nigger population, as it was chock full of protein. Namely, undigested beans and corn.
Reference: Processing Raw Sewage the Old Fashioned Way or How Goyim Were Forced to Eat Shït - By Marx and $pencer

Regularly bathing several times a day in bleach - and not fully understanding the English language - the Mestizo, Ricardo changed his name to Richard Lorry Lesbian. The name change plus the bleach baths helped Ricardo - now Richard - to pass as a White Man. However, while dancing next to a straw hat in front of a cantina in New Mexico, Richard was kidnapped by a band of wandering Jews and taken to Hollywood, where he was forced to sing and dance for shekels for patrons at a bar named The Sin Agog, while wearing only a jockstrap. The local Head Jew In Charge (HJIC) saw Richard and thought, "Shekels be damned." And his eyes lit up in Dollar $igns! "Oy Veh!"  And then he was blown up by an Arab :kike However, another greedy Hollywood Hebe lurking in the background soon took up/stole the idea for himself of using/promoting the talented Ricardo/Richard ....

But first another name change was needed:

Ricardo Lorenzo Lezbosa - had Anglicised his name to
Richard Lorry Lesbian - now Americanised his name to
Richard Truck Lesbian.

But Richard Truck Lesbian was a bit of a mouthful, and so was born
Dick Van Dyke ... and the rest is history.

Aged 97: Dick Van Dyke Is Not Dead, Despite 'Extremely Sad News' Death Hoax

Another in a seemingly endless series of Facebook hoaxes falsely claims a celebrity has died.

Right up to the day he died, Dick was known to his amigos and familia as Deeek.

He knew and never forgave the fact that poor Ricardo was trucked by Kikes.

Dick Van Dyke was a legend.
At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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