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Race Riot! Black on White Violence - Assaults, Stabbings, Attempted Murder

Started by Rev.JoelDufresne, Wed 29 Jul 2015

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News from Reverend Joel Dufresne's prison is that the BLACKS are rioting and stabbing WHITES. The media are hiding the truth, so make sure to spread the news.

MDOC Investigating Upper Peninsula Prison Assaults

An Upper Peninsula correctional facility is working to stop inmate fighting.

There have been almost 20 assaults in just one week at a Chippewa County prison.

Investigations continue after several fights sent inmates to the hospital.

The fights began at Kinross Correctional Facility in Kincheloe last week.

It all began with a large fight a week ago, and more assaults reported since then,19 in all.

Six people were sent to the hospital for their injuries.

To help stop the fighting, the yard was shut down and there's more controlled access to the chow hall to avoid big crowds.

The Department of Corrections says 10 aggressors were also moved out of the facility.

"They're still going through that process and then they'll be able to have a better sense of exactly what happened so we can prevent it from occurring again in the future," spokesman for the Department of Corrections Chris Gautz said.

There have been no more assaults reported at the prison for several days now.
Joel Dufresne #257173
Lakeland Correctional Facility
141 First St
Coldwater MI U.S.A. 49036

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