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Greetings from Brother Dustin Fletcher

Started by Rev.Cambeul, Sat 31 Dec 2022

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Racial greetings brother,

@P.M.JoeEsposito told me about the complaint you are working on. I am glad, and though I know not to hold my breath I am hopeful. If it gains something for Joe, it will gain something for all Creators behind bars.

So I will be out soon. So most likely your physical address is not that necessary but I am not used to writing international. Make sure I have this right:
Rev. Cailen Cambeul, Box 7051 West Lakes SA Australia 5021?

If I do have any problems getting in touch at first I will just contact you through the site.

I am not sure on the funds I will have or any of that when I get out but I will make contact within a few days upon release.

As for my legal stuff, on the 10th I spoke to my lawyer, and after the call she was going to call D.O.J. and see if they are going to play ball. Essentially we are in the negotiation phase.

I believe the most likely outcome will be that I will have been paroled in late 2021, and this time locked up will all be counting towards that. Meaning I will get off paper around March of next year. But I am supposed to have a call around the 24th to find out more.

Keep up the fight. Tell my brothers and race I send mine. Hope you are well.

Until next time R!
Spent time locked up with @P.M.JoeEsposito in the Oregon Gulag


Racial greetings brother!!

I hope that @P.M.JoeEsposito's letter gains him something at the least, but I truly hope it sets in motion something that all CREATORS and OUR RACE can benefit from.

I am sending multiple messages because I figure some will be held. So hopefully all make it, but if it is disjointed just know that the censors held it.

Message 2: I will for sure try to look up Sic Semper Tyranus. I haven't heard of them before. However know that our music app is  shi.tty (misspellings on purpose to get this through). The app only is "radio stations" and you can not skip songs. So I can search a band and then add the radio stations. However, if they pop up I will have to sit through multiple songs in hopes of hearing them and the song will be random.

I have looked up a lot of Race Rock, Oi!, even older punk and none comes up. It will not even let me search Hayte Breed because any v.iolent words won't appear.

Message 3: I am glad to hear you got another Wig. :dog I have only heard of the brain meds for dogs before, but never seen them. Hopefully taking her off them will work.

Message 4: Per your paragraph pertaining to @Br.FrankSmith I read it to Joe and obviously myself. We don't know who that is and also are both confused. Can you elaborate please.

We will for sure pass your R! To Adam B. He is not over here yet, so it will be snail mail, and I believe Joe is writing him soon.

Message 5: I hope that all these made it brother and that you are doing well. I still have not heard another legal update but will keep you posted.

Until next time R!
Spent time locked up with @P.M.JoeEsposito in the Oregon Gulag


Racial greetings brother, this is a quick one for you.

Before I forget I tried to search that band - ROSE TATTOO - and they do not show up.

Here is the point of my quick message:

Legal update is that according to an email that came from the state they are not even going to bother re prosecuting me, if they hold to that it means when the paperwork is filed I will get immediate release and also that I have been doing my parole time since late 2021, so I'd be close to being off parole. Again this is not locked in yet but my lawyer says she doesn't know why he'd renege if he made the offer in the first place.
Spent time locked up with @P.M.JoeEsposito in the Oregon Gulag


Racial greetings brother!

So no official updates on my end yet other than them thinking I will be out around the 4th of  July, this week I should have a legal call to go over the paperwork and allow the lawyer to sign for me.  It should also let me know how much time I will officially be on parole also.

I told Joe about the website and your progress on the books. Let us hope that when I get out I have millions of dollars, ha if I could only be so lucky.

I am absolutely disgusted today because - though I do like food - they gave us a larger "holiday" breakfast meal than literally any other holiday of the year for "juneteenth". While I'm not upset about food I am upset by the principle.

I also told Joe about the website at least the basics about storage and whatnot.

I am Also looking forward to uncensored convos soon.

How is the wig doing now that she is titrated off the meds.

Well brother I hope this finds you in good health and spirits. Please send mine to my brothers and my race. R!

@Br.DustinFletcher has been released and will be in touch soon.
Spent time locked up with @P.M.JoeEsposito in the Oregon Gulag

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