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Correspondence: Reverend Loeb

Started by Br.Axelsson, Mon 20 Sep 2010

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 "One of the few area's that I am in disagreement with (relative to Creators) is the attitude of hostility contempt and disrespect often directed at members of the Klan particularly but also directed at other Creator groups,NSM,David Duke etc.I belive in co-operating to whatever extent possible with all groups whose goal is White survival through activism(and as long as they reciprocate in co-operation).I mean suppose Rahowa becomes a more open warfare-a race war - These are our people (their present justnfications aside).
  Really we are not doing a good job at all,setting no example of maturity-we cannot even respect our own."


 " There has been "stone throwing" for years.Vile accusations,gossip.....some of it true damning and necessary for security,but much of it false,vindictive for the support of people who put themselves before our general good,our sacred cause.Survival- Expansion and Advancement of the great White race is too important to ignore even for a moment,so we need to reprove all the stone throwers,rebuke all the gossip whores.We need Reverends acting like Reverends, with personable dignity,and we need that now!
   "Anyone who puts their ego,their desire for power,noteriety and money before the cause - by undermining others is acting counter to our cause,and acting very Jewish in my opinon"
   " That said we need not show unoying loyality to those who cannot lead.Matt Hale, due to his sad situation did lead but cannot do so now.


 "I ask again why does this keep happening? If you begin to show,or shall we say continue to show yourself capable and energetic will someone see you as a threat to their ego and their leadership?Will you be the next victim of characterization? No Im not saying that this sad chapter of mud slinging and stone throwing will continue under the CA .I note that it began prior to the CA ,yet it has continued.Until reports have been recieved with first hand information,facts,evidence etc this gossip must cease!


I correspond with Loeb too, definitely sounds like him too. He said he wants to continue his blog, I told him to send it to me, you or Cailen. I said either way it doesn't matter who receives it, we'll post it.

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