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Brother Dustin Fletcher - Greetings

Started by Rev.Cambeul, Sat 31 Dec 2022

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@Rev.Cambeul, Hail, brother!

Sorry about my dereliction to get back to you sooner.

I hope things are well on your end. I get stopping on the fence due to price. I am seriously in my head about trying to start life from square one right now with the price of everything, but I will figure it out.

@P.M.JoeEsposito laughed when I told him what you said about the bike. He understands the price thing for sure but also said it's you that has to ride it.
I told him to get a laughing grumble of disapproval out of PM Joe by telling him that when I finish my car and old bike, I am planning on getting a rice grinder motor and fitting it into a rigid/saviour frame. Leaning towards a Honda 4 from the 70's/80's. 😋 Joe knows the cost for a Harley motor is just too much outside America. They're just not worth it. ~ @Cailen.

I am glad to hear that the weather there is much better. Ours is getting to be about perfect to me, but I tend to like it a bit cooler.

I am still waiting on an update on my Ramos stuff.

How are you doing?

Me and PM Joe were harping on the fact that the NAACP awards took over country music channel last night. We were blown away.

Well brother send mine to our brothers and my race.

Until next time R!
Spent time locked up with @P.M.JoeEsposito in the Oregon Gulag


Hey brother!

Hopefully all is well on your end. I was expecting to have an update by now about my legal stuff but you know court systems. I will keep you updated.

PM Joe sends his. Please send mine to my brothers and my race.

Update us when you can.

Until next time R!
Spent time locked up with @P.M.JoeEsposito in the Oregon Gulag


Jewish Supremacist Quote: "The goal for which we have striven so concertedly for three thousand years is at last within our reach. I can safely promise you that our race will soon take it's rightful place in the world with every Jew a King and every Gentile a Slave." - Rabbi Rabinovitch, Budapest Conference of European Rabbi's - 12 January 1952. [More ...]


Racial  greetings brother,

It sounds like you stay productive around your place you always have a project or two.

Me and @P.M.JoeEsposito talked about your auto projects and the outrageous prices of things. I can't believe what things cost nowadays. I've never heard of plugs costing anywhere near $400.

How is @Rev.JohnBarletta in Connecticut? I miss him please send ours his way. Me and Joe send ours to you.

So I got a partial update to my case. The state conceded and filed the motion. This means they agree that an err was made and it needs to go to a lower court. I am waiting on a judge to sign it. Then the next step starts. My counsel believes I am on track to still parole early. Either way I am down to five months.

Me and Joe now to go a classroom to hang out together, this in theory should earn us rec together.

Also we were talking about clothing and he told me you were the person to ask. What are pro-White companies that are still in business. We were talking about Arian-spelled wrong on purpose-Wear and it sparked the conversation, and he told me to ask you.

I hope this finds you in good health and spirits. Send mine to my brothers and my race.

23. R!
Spent time locked up with @P.M.JoeEsposito in the Oregon Gulag


Greetings brother and hail to you!

Me and @P.M.JoeEsposito send ours you way.

This is a short update.

So legal update is that a judge signed off. My win is official. What this means is that as of right now I paroled in 2021. Now the state can choose to prosecute me again but nobody seems to think they will. I am negative so I think they will but I think I will be able to get a deal for time served and be released. I am waiting for my charges to be voided right now. I have a legal call soon and will know more. They say this step will go fast but I don't know what they quantify as fast, I'm sure it is not what I do. But I won on the 12th so we shall see.

Please send mine to my brothers and my race, especially @Rev.JohnBarletta in C.

Spent time locked up with @P.M.JoeEsposito in the Oregon Gulag


Racial greetings brother,

@P.M.JoeEsposito told me about the complaint you are working on. I am glad, and though I know not to hold my breath I am hopeful. If it gains something for Joe, it will gain something for all Creators behind bars.

So I will be out soon. So most likely your physical address is not that necessary but I am not used to writing international. Make sure I have this right:
Rev. Cailen Cambeul, Box 7051 West Lakes SA Australia 5021?

If I do have any problems getting in touch at first I will just contact you through the site.

I am not sure on the funds I will have or any of that when I get out but I will make contact within a few days upon release.

As for my legal stuff, on the 10th I spoke to my lawyer, and after the call she was going to call D.O.J. and see if they are going to play ball. Essentially we are in the negotiation phase.

I believe the most likely outcome will be that I will have been paroled in late 2021, and this time locked up will all be counting towards that. Meaning I will get off paper around March of next year. But I am supposed to have a call around the 24th to find out more.

Keep up the fight. Tell my brothers and race I send mine. Hope you are well.

Until next time R!
Spent time locked up with @P.M.JoeEsposito in the Oregon Gulag

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