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Br. Anthony S. - Prisoner of the J.O.G.

Started by Br.AnthonyS, Thu 25 Jan 2024

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From:    ANTHONY S
Date:    8/28/2024 9:51:17 AM
To:    Cailen Cambeul
RaHoWa Brother!

Glad to hear you are hanging in there and quitting the unnecessary chemotherapy. It seems that pharmaceutical companies have replaced actual doctors.

I gave you a ring yesterday (26th) since they let us out in the evening, (8pm US Central time) which they usually don't do, like I said they usually let us out in the late morning here 9-10 AM. I figured this way even if you were not able to answer you may now be able to see what my new caller ID number looks like. It should say Rush city MN or something like that. Perhaps your phone blocked it as spam.

I saw there was another Sand Nigger on White knife attack, this time in Germany. A 26 year old Syrian with Isis who was rejected for asylum in Germany. I also saw that the AFD is gaining ground over there and the Jews are crying about it. I get "DW News" on one of my channels, this way I can get some news from across the pond, although still mainstream.

That is a good point you brought up. If the non jew billionaires are threatened enough AND pull their heads out of their asses, then like you said- we could have some financial aid one day... good to know.
Perhaps turning Europe into Afghanistan will be bad for business at some point as well?

So yesterday I saw a Re run on National Geographic of the show "Trafficked" where they did a full episode on White Nationalists/ Neo Nazi groups.

In the beginning they had the MSM's ex skinhead race traitor on there who I have also seen on some CNN/MSNBC documentaries. My theory on him is that he may have done a DNA test and found out he was not entirely white...

Anyways, they demonized the usual suspects. "Violent" Neo Nazis/Skinheads and the James Mason fan club.
Then they went to Ukraine to show how some of them were going there to fight World War Two again against the Neo Soviets. This was apparently before the Russians invaded. I wonder what those guys are up to now? Last I heard most of them we're used as front line meat shields by the Zelensky JOG.

Then towards the end of the show they had a guy who was named "Rondo" or something like that who was one of the heads of a white nationalist group called Rise. Above. Movement. or RAM for short. Have you heard of them?

The guy was apparently on the run from the U.S. Feds as were some of the Neo Nazis who went to Ukraine. It seemed they were trying to portray anyone who joins a pro white group as a criminal. As if its mainly criminals who are involved in a group favorable to their own race...what's new right?

This is why I would think the JOGs greatest threat are pro white groups that are not criminal and totally legit (until they turn us all into outlaws one day). I would imagine we still have a bit of time before that happens, at least in the U.S. These groups will attract quality members, instead of degenerate scumbags like these predominantly skinhead types in prison.

I see CREATIVITY faring the best due to it being a Church and Religion.

Sounds like you and @P.M.JoeEsposito got it right. Its a good and absolutely necessary thing that P.M. Joe and thus CREATIVITY will be separate from the criminal elements/underworld.

All of that affirms that we are on the one and ONLY path to success.


P.S.- Perhaps you could make a nice hot chocolate or at least warm drink out of chocolate protein/nutrition shakes. Seems like a good way to get protein and vitamins.
Take it easy brother.


Actually, I'm allergic to the caffeine in chocolate. So no coffee, tea, energy bullshit drinks. Nothing since I was 14.88 years old.

I could drink Carob/Karob drinks. It's a dried berry that can be used as a chocolate replacement. They use it in dog chocolates. But I WONT! The only source for those are grown in Israel. And I will not pay the jew for a dirty brown "nice hot chocolate".
A CREATOR in Prison - Currently in the Hole - Can only Receive Email.
Sentence 40 Years. Shot an Arab - Accidental Wounding - No Death.
Known by @P.M.JoeEsposito & @Rev.Cambeul
Prison & State Unstated for My Legal Protection.


From:    ANTHONY S.
Date:    9/20/2024
To:    Cailen Cambeul

R Brother!

I have put a little blog piece together, Its mostly just a quick rant on my new placement and some other tidd bits.

So here it is:

"Prison: A Wigger Wonderland!

Hello again fellow Creators!

I have recently been transferred from a "Maximum" security level 5 prison to a (Slightly) lower level 4 prison, "Medium" level will be next one day in the future.

So now I am back at it reporting again from inside prison with a quick rant here and I can say with absolute certainty that the Niggerization of society on the outside has now permeated at an alarming level into the youngest generation inside here (18-25 years of age we will call it).

Just like with any race traitor they effectively factor out of the white population and into the Nigger population. This is many times worse in prison due to the fact that there are still many less whites in prison then blacks. This even though it has become increasingly obvious to all that the JOG is doing its best to lock up whites as much as possible, which Is also becoming more and more noticeable inside of here.

The most disturbing part is that the skinheads in here are almost ALL WIGGERS! When in conversation it is always "My Bitch, My Dawgz, My homiez" etc...

They soak up MTV like a sponge, listen to Rap, or at best the new so called "metal" that is more Rap than metal, they do dope all day and feed right into our enemies agenda.
And these are the "Pro-White" guys in here?...
Yes, it really is that bad in here...

Aside from the Wiggers you have a SHITLOAD of NIGGERS! Everywhere! even being in their presence is disturbing... They yell all the time, the ones who have the big dreadlocks smell like a dirty mop that has not been cleaned in many years because it has not. It collects sweat bacteria and never gets washed due to the fact that if they do, it will apparently mess them up, hence the "Do-Rag" you may see some niggers wear.

All non whites in here HATE all Whites to varying degrees. Some are open and vocal, others more passive. If you come into a high level prison being White then you are facing an uphill battle in life.

The increasing number of Whites that are being locked up nowadays are mostly found in the lower level (Medium to minimum security) prisons. Generally speaking the higher the level of security, the more Non whites and the less Whites. This is because blacks and non whites are not only inherently more primitively violent and unintelligent, but nearly ALL are also members of active street Gangs and are constantly at war with each other in here. They then end up in the higher security level prisons.

This state of affairs seems to be universal throughout all western nations from what I have learned.

Even just coming into this high level 4 prison I saw a massive 300% increase in the White population relative to the Non White population when compared to the "Maximum" Security level 5 prison I just left.

What's more? Well almost every White in the Maximum security I was previously at did not even meet the qualifications for being placed there, including myself. They took a lot of us Whites and placed us there as "BALANCERS" to balance the population out Racially speaking.

So imagine being given a sentence four times as long as anyone else's would be due to the fact that the so called "victims" you shot were some poor young nigger immigrant men and you are a White guy from the suburbs... Only to be thrown into the absolute highest security level prison in existence where everyone hates you because you are White and the few whites who have anything to say are all drug addict skinhead types, some who are in on "bad" cases... A real version of hell!

Due to all of the above and then some, I can say with certainty that over all of these many years inside I have earned my "PhD in Hatred" with Creativity as the final course!
I am now able to be the professor teaching those very few in here who may be salvageable about what is really going on in the world and what we must do.

A bit of advice when it comes to prison:
Do not go in the first place. Keep it legal, do not even risk going to prison (unless it is absolutely necessary). The JOG wants to get rid of us Whites in any and every way as soon as possible, we Creators must not feed into their agenda."

Well that's it for now, I hope this may be a good read for the forum.

Take it easy over there
-23 words!
A CREATOR in Prison - Currently in the Hole - Can only Receive Email.
Sentence 40 Years. Shot an Arab - Accidental Wounding - No Death.
Known by @P.M.JoeEsposito & @Rev.Cambeul
Prison & State Unstated for My Legal Protection.


Quote from: Rev.CambeulWhen I was married, my in-laws ... They were lower middle class snobs. Owned a house. Had a shitty job that let them pay the bills, travel and live comfortably. He was a former Sergeant Major in the army. I had been a military prisoner and brought shame to their family and had to go.

It was there that I learned you can't win over snobs who think everything they do is great by reaching or surpassing their standard, abilities or knowledge. You have been judged as scum and will always remain scum to them. The best thing you can do is to embrace the hate and dismiss them from your life.

I long ago embraced that hate and boarded the Hate Train to Sanity Station.

Brother, I'm glad to share a train carriage with you.

From:    ANTHONY S.
Date:    9/24/2024 9:55:58 AM
To:    Cailen Cambeul
R Brother!

Thanks for posting it to the forum, I realized afterwards that some of what I wrote was a repeat of my first post. I will have to get more ideas. Living under a rock so to speak puts me at quite a handicap. So the biggest question is what to write next time?

As far as I am concerned I am currently the conductor of a Hate train on a one way track to leaving prison one day so I can pick up a full load of worthy and waiting passengers out there!
An interesting analogy...

Speaking of family matters, what you described is what my mothers side of the family holds towards me. All the better though, They are all christinsane kosher conservatives to the max. Good riddance! My dad was the same way but even worse now. It feels good to rid yourself of waste in your life, as we know any biological organism that fails to excrete its waste products dies!

Speaking of excreting waste products, I saw on DW news that Germany is trying to tighten its asylum laws and is deporting criminal muds now, of course it may all reverse again since their elections are over and the AFD was just barely defeated... whatever that's worth.

Well if any interesting comments pop up on the forum it may be interesting to see.

Any word from @P.M.JoeEsposito? I'm thinking of writing him to say hello soon and see if this place messes with my letters to him.

How are things going for you over there? Still hanging in there I hope.

Twenty Three Words
A CREATOR in Prison - Currently in the Hole - Can only Receive Email.
Sentence 40 Years. Shot an Arab - Accidental Wounding - No Death.
Known by @P.M.JoeEsposito & @Rev.Cambeul
Prison & State Unstated for My Legal Protection.


I'm beside ya Tony; let me know how I can help.
Jewish Supremacist Quote: "The goal for which we have striven so concertedly for three thousand years is at last within our reach. I can safely promise you that our race will soon take it's rightful place in the world with every Jew a King and every Gentile a Slave." - Rabbi Rabinovitch, Budapest Conference of European Rabbi's - 12 January 1952. [More ...]


Brother, R-23!!!

What @Br.AnthonyS is saying is true in prison systems all over the USA, but Whites hate the non-whites just as much - if they are not color scared.

Send mine to @Br.AnthonyS

Stay well and strong.

R-23 Joe
Max Release Date June 2025

PM Elect Reverend Dr Joe Esposito should have been released in 2018. They hit him with a bogus charge in order to keep him inside & continually refused to grant him parole - FREE PM JOE!

Address: #20315402 Snake River Correctional Institution 777 Stanton Blvd, Ontario Oregon U.S.A. 97914
Donations: - Or via @Rev.Cambeul


From:    ANTHONY S.
Date:    10/31/2024 7:36:34 PM
To:    Cailen Cambeul

R Brother!

Good to hear the cancer is Delenda! Next up is to "Delenda Est Judaica"!

My idea is that would make a pretty hard core looking tattoo across ones back in a few rows in a real archaic font.

So after the shit bag is reversed you can finally put this mess behind you? If so, that's great news!
Meanwhile it sounds like you will have your hands full with those domestic matters.

I have read a little on the French revolution, and I sure hope you are right about the not too distant future, which is what its looking like.

In the meantime I am doing my best to not snap in here and get in trouble while waiting on my upcoming potential resentencing as well as the new law that will be coming into effect here in January which will allow me to get out of prison about seven years earlier as long as I go through some "Programs" or schooling/job training and stay out of serious trouble.

Worst case scenario- if somehow none of it goes my way I will probably be getting myself transferred back to the maximum security prison the hard way with about another year or so added on to my sentence which after everything is said and done I will still get out about five years sooner instead of seven.

The living conditions here are much worse overall relative to any other prison in the state. I would actually rather be back at the Maximum security prison! It is the most comfortable prison. You get your own big cell, you get yard and gym everyday over there, the food is way better and the rules are not nearly as petty because they know most guys there will bite before they bark.

That being said, if they want to throw me a bone and give me the proper motivation to get out sooner than later, then I will do what I have to do. Its looking like I will be getting transferred out of this dump sooner than later either way because there is no way they can run any "programs" or schooling here.

Time will tell. In the meantime all I can do Is prepare for the worst as well as the best.

Quote from: Rev.Cambeul... The UK police report that the stabbings and murders of the three little White girls were not terror related, not Islam related, and not immigrant related - legal or otherwise.

Anybody that says otherwise, is automatically guilty of a hate crime. The UK JOG even threatened to arrest Americans and lock them up in the UK ... which they claim has no room in their prisons, so they want to ship prisoners to Estonia.

So, if you want a holiday - while you are waiting for the inevitable battle for the planet of the apes - send a letter to the UK government telling them what you think. You may get a holiday in England, or maybe even Estonia.

If you want any mail to get to actually be read, according to their websites, you have to follow this pattern of address ...

The Right Honourable Keir Starmer
Prime Minister of the UK
10 Downing Street
London, England

Begin the letter with "Dear Prime Minister". This polite opening is the expected salutation for all written communication to the Prime Minister.

I sent the bastard an email. I wasn't polite and told him what I thought of him, where I was and where he could shove his anti-White laws. I don't give a f. what they think. I'm already wanted in England for hate crimes against the state.

23 Words.

That is quite an interesting idea you have giving the UK JOG some hate mail.
Perhaps that may be one way for me to get transferred out of this dump!
I wonder if a death threat would seal the deal?

It may just work, however this state does not transfer anyone internationally until they have less than five years to do which won't be for at least six more years in my case. I may actually have to seriously look into that though. Northern European prisons are pretty much guaranteed to be better than any in the U.S. I'm sure even Estonia will be better than this dump!

As an added bonus my educated guess is that I would likely be housed with the other White political prisoners whom I could forge valuable alliances with...This almost sounds too good to be true though.

So you are wanted by the UK JOG for Hate Crimes? How did that come about? At what point can/will they attempt to extradite someone from another country?

Well I will leave it there for now, next time I'm sure the postelection brainstorming will be on the agenda for us all!

-Twenty three words my brother!
A CREATOR in Prison - Currently in the Hole - Can only Receive Email.
Sentence 40 Years. Shot an Arab - Accidental Wounding - No Death.
Known by @P.M.JoeEsposito & @Rev.Cambeul
Prison & State Unstated for My Legal Protection.

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