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Br. Anthony S. - Prisoner of the J.O.G.

Started by Br.AnthonyS, Thu 25 Jan 2024

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R! My White Brothers and Sisters. I am a prisoner of the JOG.

To describe my incarceration, Arabs attacked our group on the East Coast America, and I shot one; but I did not kill or permanently incapacitate it. For that, I got 40 years.

This was an introduction to CREATOR FORUM via phone from America to Australia via CREATIVITY'S SHOTCALLER @Rev.Cambeul

I intend to write so that I may wake up our fellow White Man and Woman. Just as you do.

A CREATOR in Prison - Currently in the Hole - Can only Receive Email.
Sentence 40 Years. Shot an Arab - Accidental Wounding - No Death.
Known by @P.M.JoeEsposito & @Rev.Cambeul
Prison & State Unstated for My Legal Protection.


Jewish Supremacist Quote: "The goal for which we have striven so concertedly for three thousand years is at last within our reach. I can safely promise you that our race will soon take it's rightful place in the world with every Jew a King and every Gentile a Slave." - Rabbi Rabinovitch, Budapest Conference of European Rabbi's - 12 January 1952. [More ...]


I am writing to you all from a Maximum security prison In the United States. I am currently not disclosing my Location or Identity due to legal reasons.

What I can tell you all is that according to the media my case was "Racial".

The JOG had it out for me since day one and as a result I was given a sentence which was about four times as long as the average for my type of "crime". Be that as it may, I will still be getting out at a more or less viable age. I plan to be a productive activist for our cause.

At the time my "crime" was committed I was not Racially aware, I would not have identified with our cause and I did not know anything about it. What happened in my "crime" and what the JOG did to me, combined with prison life was more than enough to spark the flame that is now a blowtorch ready to inspire and educate others in any way I can.

I am still no expert, but I am more knowledgeable than most inside of prison. You all will be watching me grow and learn throughout my writings over many years.

What follows will be a series of Diaries, Rants and Blogs regarding our cause that you will find relates to any white people whether they be inside or outside of prison. Due to the nature of prison life, this will be a slow and steady project over the course of years.

I do this with the hope that my struggles may Inform and Inspire at least one of you out there to go above and beyond the call of duty on behalf of our cause.

I therefore dedicate my writings to the one who I have inspired the most. Whoever you may be.

-23 words!
A CREATOR in Prison - Currently in the Hole - Can only Receive Email.
Sentence 40 Years. Shot an Arab - Accidental Wounding - No Death.
Known by @P.M.JoeEsposito & @Rev.Cambeul
Prison & State Unstated for My Legal Protection.


White man in a Maximum security prison:
A Microcosm of the future world if we do nothing.

The light in my cell turns on, Its 6:45am!...

I have now entered a dimension of both shadow and substance, a place where the unimaginable becomes reality...I have entered...the twilight zone! (que the twilight zone music).

After waking up and walking out of my cell, I am immediately greeted by the loud Rap songs and yelling of some of the governments scummiest niggers. The niggers make up about 75% of the population in here (Whites are under 10%) so telling them how you really feel will either get you killed or placed into what amounts to solitary confinement for the rest of your stay. Most niggers are in this max security prison for assaulting a guard or a severe assault on another prisoner whereas most Whites are sent here as "Balancers" to both work and give the appearance that the system is not "Racist".

The guards usually dont bother with the niggers. A number of the guards here look like they got fired from burger king or didn't land their dream job of working for the geek squad at best buy, Not to mention the growing number of small young White women who decide it is a good idea to be a guard in a maximum security men's prison, where their main job seems to be either getting harrased by, or flirting with the Niggers who never leave them alone.

So once the morning routine is completed you are either sent to the yard if you have no job, or you go to work and perform your menial sweatshop labor for pennies on the dollar relative to what minimum wage would be.
During work time, its the same old story. The niggers scream and do whatever they want and the Whites try to deal with it as best they can.

After work hours you are given a handful of hours in the evening to use the phone, yard and showers.

I must now bring up here one of the most important factors of prison life: Race!

Generally everyone is divided up by race whenever it involves the whole cellblock, such as workout areas, which phones to use and when and so on. It goes without saying (at least for us Whites that is) that all other non-whites inside here hate us. They make it obvious whether they try to or not. They speak about our Race as if we are already defeated, which given the population numbers in here it would seem so. If any of us talked openly about them in the same manner and stood together as they do we would be quickly outmatched, so no one even thinks about it...

After being in prison for a couple years or so and both having my sense of Racial awareness heightened and educating myself on the matter, I began to see that this type of environment is a good one to bring those Whites on the fence so to speak onto our side, which for the most part it is. Except for R.I.C.K... yea the Ricks. The Racially. Insecure. Caucasian. Kids! or just R.I.C for the older ones. These are the lost ones, the ones who act black and decide its a good idea to join a black gang where they are treated second class more or less. We Creators know them as race traitors, but the average White in here looks at them as a fool and moves on. Luckily they are the minority for Whites in here, at least so far...

That being said, one of the most disheartening aspects of the Whites in here is that the ones who are the most Racially aware are Either the skinhead type and/or are drug addicts. This situation resembles that of the movie "American History X"

Another topic of interest is the Black guards. There are not a large amount of them here, but in even this small amount I have found that an example I was told by another inmate is the best way I can describe them. He told me how he was in a different prison system and there were two men's prisons near one another, one run by predominantly black guards and one predominantly White. He personally had been in both. The black prison was continually plagued with drug overdoses, any type of contraband imaginable including firearm parts found by the Feds and also, inmates repeatedly impregnating female staff. Conditions were near anarchy with street gangs calling the shots inside until one day the feds came in and changed things. The majority White run prison was more similar to a military barracks. If you were White inside the Black prison, good luck. You had nothing good coming your way.

So what is to be learned from all of this you may wonder?

Well the answer is simple my friend, as the title suggests we have here a Microcosm of the future world... IF WE DO NOTHING!

So what does this this mean exactly?

To summarize what we already should have read from Founder Klassen as well as many others-
Once the Whites in the world become few enough in numbers and the JOG becomes stronger we will see a world that becomes more hostile to Whites eventually resulting in our forceful and violent extermination by the Non-whites promoted by the JOG.

In the meantime, we would presumably experience something increasingly more and more similar to what I am inside of here. We will be subjected to unimaginable outrages and persecutions such as Increased surveillance, all types of violence against our people and economic hardships. This stage would be somewhere between the ending of George Orwell's novel "1984" and prison life.

The eventual conclusion would look somewhat similar to the Chinese communists vs Uyghur people or soviet NKVD style takeover, where the best of us Whites will be violently exterminated through either murder or rape, depending on gender. Then afterwards if the parasite which we know as the Jew becomes one hundred percent victorious, the planet will eventually become devoid of all life, just another rock spinning through space and time...

I am speaking not through the literary works and conclusions of others, but through my own first hand experience in life. My unique situation inside of here has allowed for me to peer through time and see what the future holds for us. After all, anything is possible in... the twilight zone! (que twilight zone music)...

The lesson is clear, the time is now, and we must act!

-23 words.
A CREATOR in Prison - Currently in the Hole - Can only Receive Email.
Sentence 40 Years. Shot an Arab - Accidental Wounding - No Death.
Known by @P.M.JoeEsposito & @Rev.Cambeul
Prison & State Unstated for My Legal Protection.


That's some insightful stuff there. I know the US is one country that really likes to incarcerate it's population !

You have this racial survival game going on in your world that is like walking on egg shells! You just gotta make the best of what you have. It's a living hell!

You can try not to go to Gaol but if the system stitches you up because of your beliefs you got this to deal with! How long you got until parole?

A lot of Prisons have paranormal stuff going on. You ever encountered any of that?
The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
Click to see map of Australia

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What is good for the White Race is of the Highest Virtue;
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