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Anyone know Mike Purcell?

Started by RaspStarb, Sun 06 Jun 2010

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I received a letter today from one Mike Purcell.  Does anyone know him?

It really doesn't matter to me whether he is known or unknown as we accept all White Racial Loyalist prisoners into our program.  I only mentioned it because if any of you would like to say hello to him, let me know and I will include your greeting in my response.  I can also pass along Brother Purcell's address to any Creators interested in corresponding with our incarcerated brother.


Rev. Rasp Starb
Deseret Church of Creativity

QuoteReverend Rasp Starb,

I am writing this letter inquiring about some information and some literature.  I would like to receive more information about your church.  Also, if you have any chapters in Colorado?  Thank you for your time.  Here is my address:

Mike Purcell
Montrose, CO  81401

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