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2008-10-17 [Montana Standard] Creativity Religion Vilified and Vandalised

Started by Admin, Fri 07 Nov 2008

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Article can only be found through Google archives, hiding something?

QuoteLet exhibit spark dialogue on the roots of bigotry
By Travis McAdam - 10/17/2008

"Our Natural Enemies. And who are his [white man] natural enemies? Number one on the list is the International Jew, the whole Jewish network, the Jew as an individual. Number two is the mass of colored races, whom we shall designate simply as the mud races." — Ben Klassen in "The White Man's Bible." This is but one of many racist and anti-Semitic passages written by Ben Klassen. In more than a dozen books, he outlined the nasty ideology that inspired The Creativity Movement to become one of the most notorious white supremacist groups of the 1990s.

The Montana Human Rights Network was well acquainted with the hate group, as it had a state chapter and activists in western Montana. Throughout the 1990s, Network staff worked with citizens in Superior and Missoula to organize rallies and other public events to show that The Creativity Movement did not represent Montana values. It was this on-the-ground presence confronting the so-called "Creators" that led a defector to call the Human Rights Network in December 2003. The phone call began a five-year project culminating in the "Speaking Volumes" art exhibit that is now showing at Anaconda's Copper Village Museum.

When he called the Network in 2003, the defector, J.R., said he was done with The Creativity Movement. He said he was the steward of a storage locker in Superior, which contained boxes of the group's books and some internal correspondence. For a small amount of gas money, he offered to sell the contents of the storage unit to the Network.

Network staff met with J.R. in Missoula. As is often the case with white supremacists, all of J.R.'s friends were part of the group. If he left, he felt he needed to get out of Montana for his own personal safety. Network staff had J.R. sign a bill of sale for the books and gave him some gas money. Acquiring the books not only removed them from circulation. It also eliminated the one source of income the Montana hate group had, as they sold the books to support their activities.

After making arrangements with the police to meet at the storage locker, Network staff headed to Superior with two pickups and a U-Haul to take possession of the materials.

When the storage unit was emptied, the Network had approximately 4,100 books. Network staff sent boxed sets to allied organizations, academic institutions, Holocaust museums and law enforcement.

This still left the Network with thousands of the white supremacist books. It decided to use the books as the basis of an art exhibit to stimulate public discussion about the dangers of bigotry, anti-Semitism and intolerance. It pitched the idea to Helena's Holter Museum of Art, which agreed to develop the project. "Speaking Volumes: Transforming Hate" opened in January 2008 with more than 60 pieces contributed by artists from around the country.

Today, The Creativity Movement is largely dead. Unfortunately, we can't declare victory and go home. The underlying themes of the hate group live on. Since 1990 when the Network formed, we have seen many organized hate groups come and go in the state. The Aryan Nations chapters folded and Klan units formed. The Klan disappeared and The Creativity Movement gained a hold. The National Alliance and American Nazi Party rose to prominence with the demise of the Creators.

Overall victory is elusive, because these groups amplify and prey upon the racism, anti-Semitism, sexism, homophobia and class inequity that already exist in our communities. Examples of this can be seen in sentencing disparities between white people and people of color in our criminal justice system for the same crimes. It can be seen in the wage disparity between women and men doing the same jobs. It can be seen in the fact that poor children go without healthcare and attend under- funded schools simply because they were born poor.

Standing up and opposing hate groups is necessary and very important work. However, communities also need to address the underlying systemic problems. We hope the dialogue inspired by "Speaking Volumes" will promote discussions of the problems that communities face. Only when the roots of bigotry and intolerance are dealt with can we declare victory and view the "Speaking Volumes" exhibit as representative of our collective past.

Please take the time to visit the exhibit while it is in Anaconda. The transformation of white supremacist books into art promoting justice and equality is truly compelling. To learn more about the project, please attend our presentation, "It started with 4,000 copies of 'The White Man's Bible,'"on Monday, Oct. 20, at 7 p.m. at the Copper Village Museum, 401 E. Commercial St. in Anaconda. Information is also available on our Web site at .html.

— Travis McAdam of Butte is the research director for the Montana Human Rights Network. The Network can be reached at P.O. Box 1509, Helena, MT 59624.

The whole case is simply disgusting. If it were the Q'uran being used, there'd already be dead journalists, buildings burnt down and condemnation from liberals worldwide. If it were the Torah or Talmud, there'd be a sopping big law suit on the people responsible. These people and their acts will be remembered!
Formerly WCOTC CT & Church of Creativity NE - Now Retired

You owe the CREATIVITY ALLIANCE a debt that you must repay.


why is that travis mcadam guy so hard up for Creator stuff?  does he have nothing better to do?  what an ass and a disgrace.


Quote from: pcomitatus on Tue 11 Nov 2008
why is that travis mcadam guy so hard up for Creator stuff?  does he have nothing better to do?  what an ass and a disgrace.

Do you have any other articles or anything by or about Travis McAdam? If so, please post them here in full for posterity, anything that shows individuals or media libeling Creativity is useful for the future. We are persecuted and discriminated against, as a religion this breaks "international law" and can be used to show the White public that not only Creators but White people in general are targeted by the international elite.



Quote from: Liberius on Tue 11 Nov 2008
Quote from: pcomitatus on Tue 11 Nov 2008
why is that travis mcadam guy so hard up for Creator stuff?  does he have nothing better to do?  what an ass and a disgrace.

Do you have any other articles or anything by or about Travis McAdam? If so, please post them here in full for posterity, anything that shows individuals or media libeling Creativity is useful for the future. We are persecuted and discriminated against, as a religion this breaks "international law" and can be used to show the White public that not only Creators but White people in general are targeted by the international elite.


Travis is a good, obedient house reporter. I caught the irony of this line from his standard hit piece: "Examples of this can be seen in sentencing disparities between white people and people of color in our criminal justice system for the same crimes."

Makes one want to ask this Travis cat for just a couple of all those names of people of color who are serving sentences in the criminal justice system, disparate from Matt Hale's 40-year stint -- for the same crime, that is. Please & thank you.

I question this statement by Travis also: "Since 1990 when the Network formed, we have seen many organized hate groups come and go in the state. The Aryan Nations chapters folded and Klan units formed. The Klan disappeared and The Creativity Movement gained a hold. The National Alliance and American Nazi Party rose to prominence with the demise of the Creators."

FACT: Rev Slim Deardorff of Missoula, MT,  had strong Creator roots in place there for nearly two decades before the civic-minded, come-lately MHRN hiked up there to clean out the "haters." To my knowledge the National Alliance never "rose to prominence" in Montana, not even one Local Unit, and certainly no "JR"-types that could be counted as NA members there. These MSM hit pieces are always full of such misstatements that rarely get corrected and are never retracted. Nothing less should be expected from the Jew-controlled enemy media.

To be sure, someone on this board knows who this weak-willed "JR" character is and can give more background, or "lessons learned," or something more about the so-called "defector" who sold out the Creed for gas money.

Creativity will never get back off the ground until it can ruthlessly reject early on in the process these lowlife "JRs" that would be attracted to the Creed. The Creativity idea is nothing without necessary high quality "human material" as its guardians and promoters.

Former Hasta Primus for P.M. Ben Klassen with the Church of the Creator at North Carolina, and later the right-hand man for Dr William Pierce with the National Alliance. Currently the Chairman of the National Alliance.


I live about 8 hours from this holter "museum" which destroyed our would be a shame if it caught flames

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