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1992-02-10 Detroit Suburb Protests Spread of Racist Leaflets

Started by RaspStarb, Thu 03 Jun 2010

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Detroit Suburb Protests Spread of Racist Leaflets

Chicago Tribune
February 10, 1992

Harper Woods, MI -- A North Carolina-based white supremacist group with strongholds in three Michigan cities targeted this Detroit suburb with racist leaflets, sparking an outcry Saturday from residents. Dozens of tabloid-size newspapers titled "Racial Loyalty" were left after dark late last week on the driveways of homes in several neighborhoods by local members of "Church of the Creator."  The newspaper called itself the "spearhead of the white racial holy war."

City Manager James Leidlein said Harper Woods police received several complaints about the leaflets, which listed a Wayne telephone number and post office boxes in Warren and Sterling Heights. But police could do little more than arrest the distributors on littering charges, he said.  No arrests had been made Saturday.
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