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My Awakening

Started by RuffyNewgate, Fri 23 Feb 2024

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Can you help me with my project?

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Total Members Voted: 1

Voting closed: Fri 24 May 2024


I'm Ruffy, 17 years old, born and living in Germany. My ethnic background is German-Ukrainian. During Corona I found some information questioning things like the Plandemic, the Refugee Crisis, George Floyd and Black Lives Matter. Finally I was awakened by the Documentary "Europa - The Last Battle" and by William Luther Pierce's broadcasts. I began researching on the Internet about subjects like Jewish Power and White demographic genocide and was shocked by what I found out in the official sources. The negative aspect of course is that no one around me really thinks like me and everyone is so brainwashed by Jewish Propaganda. I have to admit that I'm afraid to speak out in public because I'm both financially and emotionally so dependent on others especially my parents. They would kick me out if they knew what I actually think and am doing on my computer. That's why I'm trying to become economically independent as soon as possible. In school and outside it I don't have real friends with whom I can talk about the things that are really important to me.
So in this Forum I'm searching for like minded people to make friends with, talk to and maybe even work with for projects. You know, I think that the White Nationalist Movement should enlarge its media on the Internet. I personally am working at the moment for a streaming website similar to Netflix with mostly videos but also some other media with White Nationalist content. I have already downloaded a great number of videos by people like William Pierce, Mark Collet, David Duke and Lana Lokteff that can be put on such a website. But the big problem I have is that I can't program such a website and launching also gets difficult because of anti-free speech laws in my country so someone from the US should help me.
Now this was my awakening and plans for the future.


Racial Greetings Brother Ruffy,

Welcome to Creator Forum.

You are just entering your journey into the White Resistance. So be wary of those that will hand over your personal details to the JOG, such as political parties and business types that report their donations to their national tax office. Except for William Pearce' people, that's every name that you mentioned in your short list.

So you know: Creators do not report in any way to the JOG. We pride ourselves on our Member Security. If you are to join our Church - and you are encouraged to do so - only I (at this time) need know who you are. You would of course use a Nom de Guerre in public, and it is up to you whom you allow to know your personal details. If by chance you were to send any donations, they would be privately between you and the receiver. Any donations to me are protected by going through Crypto Currency methods.

How could I help you with your goal of a White Netflix? All I can do is advise you to choose a reputable Freedom of Speech web server based in the United States of America. (Contact me privately and I'll tell you what I use.) As a backup, if you have the money at your disposal, you should also find a way to duplicate your site on a Russian server - which is something you will have to find out yourself. Build your American site first, and worry about the Russian backup later.

That's it. Once again, welcome to Creator Forum, brother. And I hope you'll consider joining our Church and helping us to win this Racial Holy War. RAHOWA!

23 Words.
At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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23 Words
What is good for the White Race is of the Highest Virtue;
What is bad for the White Race is the Ultimate Sin.

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