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Your Favourite White People

Started by Rev.Cambeul, Thu 14 May 2009

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Robert the Bruce, King of Scots.

He took a defeated race and nation that was under the heel of a tyrannical invader. Fought and defeated said invader. He brought Scotland out of the dark ages, instilling a racial pride over and beyond clan or tribal pride that has continued for almost a thousand years.

He also envisaged a "Pan-Gaelic Greater Scotia" with his lineage ruling over both Ireland and Scotland. Although his brother Edward was crowned High King of Ireland, a "Pan-Gaelic Greater Scotia" never came to pass.

At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain.


I love this thread I have so many heroes man, but I'll just name a few here, white heroes are my greatest source of inspiration.

Milos Obilic and the Order of the Dragon of St George
when the ottomans invaded europe there were many heroes that fought to there deaths, Milos Obilic was a serb soldier that fought many battles against the turks and the ottomans were undefeated so far, conquering everything in there path, the turning point was the battle of kosovo in 1389, where the turk sultan murad the 1st had a massive army assembled and the serbian prince lazar defied the sultans ultimatum
before the battle Milos Obilic and his 12 knights formed the Order of the Dragon of St George, there mission was to kill the sultan and chase every last turk out of europe
during the battle milos obilic and his 12 knights, acted like deserters and said they had information for the sultan, they were taken to the sultan during the battle where milos obilic got close to murad  and stabbed him with a broken sword dipped in poison, immediately afterwards milos obilic and all but 1 of his knights were cut to ribbons by turk axes as they were extremely outnumbered behind enemy lines
in the battle of kosovo murad did not die right away, he was alive for several hours, during this the outnumbered serb army and the massive turk army both sides were decimated in a complete bloodbath, prince lazar was captured and beheaded. biased accounts say that serbs lost but that is not true, it was a stalemate
after the battle since the turks also had massive losses and no leader, they retreated and serbia was free from foreign rule for 70 years until they finally fell

the one knight who escaped spread the order of the dragon to hungary among the nobles and later spread throughout europe, I think janos hunyadi was of the order of the dragon but I can't confirm it, but both vlad dracul and his son vlad dracula (vlad 2 the impaler) were
the order of the dragon was a constant thorn in the side of the turks

the spirit of the order of the dragon lived on until the collapse of ottoman rule in the balkans
to me the spirit still lives on to this day in people like robert j matthews and the bruder schweigen, sworn to defend the white race and take back america, and in the chetniks sworn to take back kosovo
it is not just history its an idea, and ideas like this one do not die, they may lie dormant for a while but it will always rise like the phoenix from its ashes, it is self sacrifice for the cause, it is dying a hero instead of living the life of a coward

milos obilic, his 12 knights and prince lazar are the biggest serb heroes to this day
the battle of kosovo and the field on which it took place are considered holy to serbs
the day it took place on is also a holiday(vidovdan)
he is a symbol of serb nationalism, identity and pride

one day we will take back our countries and slay the dragon that is multiculturalism
the efforts of our heroes do not go in vain
they inspire us all to do everything we can to uphold the 14words
I'm sure a lot of you out there would rather die on your feet then live on your knees
a coward dies 1,000 deaths, a soldier dies but once


Vlad Dracul
Vlad Tepes
Vlad III King of Wallachia
Vlad the Impaler

It is because of this man, as well as groups like the Order Of The Dragon, that Eastern Europe was not completely laid to waste by the Turks and Muslims. A champion and hero of the White race, Vlad was an efficient leader, Machiavellian in every sense of the word. He punished his enemies with a cruelty unknown in the modern era, and struck fear into the hearts of the Turkish rulers and soldiers. He was the influence behind Bram Stroker's Dracula, who would be the definitive Romantic Gothic character. The real man, however, is more interesting, influential, and important than Mr. Stroker's blood sucker could ever dream to be.


Beethoven is one of my favorites, the Moonlight Sonata I just love.


Sure Hitler and Nietzsche
La Chiesa della Creatività Italia
Ave! ~ Saluto! ~ RaHoWa!

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