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Cultsmasher: What The *!!!

Started by cultsmasher, Wed 10 Mar 2021

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It's an avatar genius, if you're going to cry about every aspect of one movie you must have a real high iq,  and I see you could never answer Rev Cambeul on his question about what made you the "ultimate patriot," your silence is deafening. Don't push too hard little boy or you might not like the push back .


The information wasn't in his profile at the time, but it was today. "The Truth: Unforbidden!" It's basically his own pro-Brenton Tarrant and Breivik Zionist manifesto.

He plans to thrust his manifesto upon all gullible White Dissidents, and then have us arrested as terrorists. He knows nothing about White Racial Activism. All he does is demand access to the Incogman forum - which was utilised by the other lover of Israel, Breivik, and shut down after Breivik the same as 8Chan was after Tarrant. Wherever he goes becomes filled with the standard Anti-White goading propaganda that Hollywood, MSM and Politicians and Coppers believe we all fall for. As if we'll all load up tomorrow and run out shooting, because the Zionist Goad has poked his stick.

His IP changes regularly, but is always in the same region. It shows a deliberate attempt to masquerade as something he's not. That and the fact he sometimes slips up with British style spelling is why I don't believe him to be American.

In all probability he works for the NZ SIS. Not very smart, just an amateur Blue Nigger or anti-White; but any NZ or Australian that crosses his path winds up in his cross-hairs. Americans are safe from his bullshit - but you especially would go to prison for a few years just for tolerating the same manifesto bullshit; NZ laws are simple on that. We have different laws in Australia, so ASIO would come after me in a different but just as life-threatening way. I won't give them the ammunition to target either of us, or CREATIVITY.

He is someone that needs to be hunted, excluded and killed off. That's why I deleted his account and released his information for all the world to see.


Reverend Cambeul,
Church Administrator.
At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain.


Yes, who goes around handing there email address out on random forums? He stinks of Special Branch. He's the exact kind that would start emailing a individual pretending to be the "ultimate patriot" and start asking what would you do in this situation or that situation, hoping you'll say something illegal, and next thing cops will be kicking down the front door. I guarantee those emails would be used in court against someone if they were silly enough to email him.

Sorry Special Branch not this time. You need more training we can smell you from a mile off. 23 R

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