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Russian Fleet Tests Weak US Leader, Only 35 Nautical Miles From Hawaii

Started by G.L.R., Thu 24 Jun 2021

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Russian fleet moves in on Hawaii, practices sinking aircraft carrier, F-22 stealth fighters on standby

June 22, 2021

Russia and the world knows Biden is a weak leader

According to the UK. Daily Mail, "Russian warships, submarines, and support vessels, flanked by 20 fighter jets" are practicing maneuvers to sink aircraft carriers in the Pacific. According to the report, Russia's defense ministry confirmed its fleet successfully completed the practice maneuver and sank an aircraft carrier -- only 35 nautical miles off the coast of Hawaii. The Daily Mail's report characterizes the war games exercise as "the biggest since the Cold War." Russia claims its fleet is stationed 300 miles off the coast of Hawaii, but unconfirmed satellite images from June 19 tell a story that places the Russians at the much-closer 35-nautical mile distance (about 40 standard miles),... The U.S. has responded by sending F-22 fighter jets to the scene twice within the last month... Since Russian bombers never entered the Hawaii Air Defense Identification Zone -- an area that typically grants the country in subject more time to respond to unknown or potentially hostile aircraft -- they were never intercepted by either group of fighters, the Daily Mail reported. As alarming as the scenario sounds on its own, imagining what this could mean for the future of U.S.-Russia relations is much worse.

The development has put the Pentagon on its toes, anticipating any potentially hostile move that could come next. Last week, Navy Carrier Strike Group 1, led by the aircraft carrier the USS Carl Vinson, arrived in Hawaii, according to UPI. Since this development immediately follows the Putin-Biden exchange that occurred in Geneva last week, we can speculate that perhaps their discussion didn't go as smoothly as the Biden White House would like to pretend... Or perhaps, while the U.S. is under Biden's leadership, Russia and the rest of the world view the country as a paper tiger and a depleted world power... We all can agree that the only thing capable of keeping the world from the clutches of another Cold War is an exemplary leader.

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok

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