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Understanding the Jewish Roots of the Current Global Economic Meltdown

Started by Rev.WillWilliams, Wed 17 Dec 2008

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Now is the time to explain the economic crisis to our people, taking advantage of the fact that we've been saying the Jew was behind the mess long before Bernard Madoff swindled his first billion from gullible goyim. We've been proven right, again, as usual.

Our Biggest Mistake
by Dr. William Pierce
March 2002

Last week we talked about a number of especially egregious Jewish swindlers of the past decade. In every case they stole from Gentiles with the help of other Gentiles. I pointed out that the cases I discussed were illustrations of the general rule that the really big swindlers are nearly always Jews, and that they nearly always depend for their success upon the corruption of America's Gentile political and business elites. Corrupt Gentile businessmen help them steal, and corrupt Gentile politicians help them get away with it.

There's a brand new case of a hugely successful Jewish swindler that I didn't have time to talk about last week: that's the case of Gary Winnick and the bankruptcy of his fiber-optics telecommunications company, Global Crossing. Winnick started Global Crossing just five years ago with a $35 million loan from some Jewish friends in the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce. The next year, in 1998, after issuing himself 100 million shares of stock in his new company, he sold $735 million in shares to the public. In June 1999, shares in Global Crossing were selling at 62 3/4-- $62.75 a share. That gave Winnick a personal fortune of more than 6 billion dollars--in just two years.

That's amazing, isn't it? He went from nothing to the richest man in Los Angeles in just two years. He did it by spinning a tale about linking the whole world with a 100,000-mile network of fiber-optic cable and selling that myth to the media and to the public. But of course, linking the world with fiber-optic cable was not what was really on Winnick's mind. Raking in as much money as possible as quickly as possible with a lot of fast patter and sleight of hand was what was on his mind. He had learned his trade not as a fiber-optic network builder but as a fast talker working with his buddy Michael Milken selling junk bonds.

Really, Winnick had worked in the same office with Milken in New York selling junk bonds. Even after Milken had been convicted and sent to prison, Winnick was able to scam the public and sell shares in his new company, Global Crossing. Of course, he didn't advertise his former association with Milken, and the media collaborated by not mentioning it either, even as Global Crossing became a high-profile, celebrity company in 1999.

Winnick began unloading his shares when the price peaked in 1999 above $60. And of course, as always with these Jewish scams built on fast talk instead of on creative work, the bubble eventually burst. Last month Winnick's company filed for bankruptcy, declaring more than $12 billion in debt that it cannot pay. That's like stealing $12 billion from the public, from all the people to whom Global Crossing owes money, and then asking the government for protection. That's the fifth largest bankruptcy ever declared in America. Shares in Global Crossing are now selling on the stock exchange for about a nickel each. Global Crossing's employees who had their shares in 401k retirement plans were prohibited from selling their shares for five years, and have lost everything. While Winnick was unloading his stock in the company at $60 a share, his 17,000 mostly Gentile employees were locked in and had to go down with the ship. Does that sound familiar?

Another characteristic Winnick has in common with Michael Milken and Andy Fastow is that he is a big contributor to Jewish charities--and especially to Israel. Two years ago, when Global Crossing still was flying high, Winnick gave $40 million to the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles so that it can open a branch in Jerusalem. A recent issue of the Jewish Journal of Los Angeles reports that despite the bankruptcy of Global Crossing, Winnick continues to give generously to Jewish institutions. From his sumptuous $90 million estate in Beverly Hills, a steady stream of multimillion-dollar gifts continues to flow to Hillel houses at various universities, to the Jewish Museum in New York, to the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, to the American Jewish Committee, to the U.S. Holocaust Museum in Washington, and to a number of other Jewish groups and causes. But not to those 17,000 mostly Gentile former employees of Global Crossing who went down with the ship.

As I said, it's amazing. It just shows what can be done with a little greed, a complete lack of scruples, and the help of the media and the politicians--and when one has a Gentile population that has been so thoroughly brainwashed by the media that it simply lets itself be fleeced repeatedly by these avaricious Jews without even a peep of protest lest it be accused of "anti-Semitism." Do you believe that there's a court in this land that will hold Winnick accountable for what he has done? If you do, then you're even more gullible than the folks he fleeced to get his $6 billion. No, Winnick will get clean away with it and will continue enjoying life on his $90 million estate and giving to his fellow Jews the money he took from us. Do we deserve any better? I think not.

And I want to emphasize again, the super-swindlers we have discussed here--Winnick and Fastow and Rich and Milken and Boesky and Frankel and Weiss and the rest--are not crooks who just incidentally happened to be Jews and might just as well have been Gentiles: no, their criminal activity is an essential expression of their Jewishness. They did what they did because they are Jews. That's why nearly all of the really big swindlers, the most outrageously brazen swindlers, the super-swindlers, the ones who steal $6 billion in just two years--are Jews.

This is something for the egalitarians to think about. It's something to be pondered by those who believe that all featherless bipeds are essentially the same, except for superficial cultural differences, and that, in particular, the only difference between Jews and Gentiles is that Jews have a somewhat different religious tradition from the rest of us. They believe that if a Jew is raised from early childhood in a Gentile family he will grow up indistinguishable from a Gentile in his behavior and his thinking, and that a Gentile raised in a Jewish family will grow up to be indistinguishable from the Jews around him. Jews themselves don't believe that. That's contrary to what their religion teaches them and to what they themselves feel.

I don't believe it either.

Of course, egalitarians also believe that men and women are essentially the same--or that they would be the same, except for the fact that our old-fashioned, male chauvinist society artificially forces men and women into different stereotypical roles. I think that fewer people believe that than believe that Jews and Gentiles are the same--except for the lemmings, of course, who will believe whatever they're told to believe. Which is to say, more independent thinkers accept the fundamental and all-pervasive differences between men and women than accept the fact that there are very important inborn differences between Jews and Gentiles. Actually, I believe that even many lemmings, despite their dutiful affirmation of whatever TV tells them, deep down inside don't believe that men and women are the same.

Back to the differences between Jews and Gentiles: I mentioned inborn differences, but we shouldn't ignore the cultural differences, especially as expressed in religious differences. The Jews' religion is an expression of their racial character. It grew out of their character over a very long period of time. The Jews look back on nearly 6,000 years of history. To them this is the year 5762, and in fact, Jewish religious books actually are being printed now with this date in them. Of course, it's really their tribal history they trace back that far. It would be more accurate to say that their religion, in its present form, is about 3,000 years old. But the fact is that it is their tribal religion. They developed it themselves. It was never imposed on them from outside. And it is an intensely ethnocentric religion, a religion for Jews only.

Compare that with the two other Semitic religions, Islam and Christianity, both of which are universalist. Muslims and Christians believe that their religion is for everyone. Anyone, regardless of race, who professes belief, can be a Christian or a Muslim. Christians send out missionaries to convert the heathens--especially Black, Brown, and Yellow heathens. When Jews send out missionaries, it is only to bring strayed Jews back into the fold, never to convert those who are not already members of the "chosen" race. The Jewish religion reinforces character traits which already are embedded in the Jewish genotype. Neither Islam nor Christianity can do that to the same degree, because they didn't develop indigenously. They were imposed by fire and sword on non-Semitic peoples.

My point is that Judaism strengthens and reinforces the traits that led Michael Milken, Andy Fastow, and Gary Winnick to be so enormously successful at getting other people's money into their pockets, but the traits were already there. They were born with them. And I can think of no Gentile who has been as successful at that sort of thing: that is at fast patter and sleight of hand, at selling myths for hard cash. And the reason is not just because of a religious difference. As I said, Jews and Gentiles are different, just as men and women are different, just as Whites and Blacks and Asians are different.

In some cases, these differences are a good thing, and they work well together: as in the case of men and women, for example. As long as we have a properly structured society that takes account of these differences, a society that permits men and women to complement one another in a natural way rather than forcing them into unnatural competition, then the differences make us strong and healthy.

When we pretend that the differences don't exist, however, as between Gentiles and Jews or between Whites and Blacks, we leave ourselves open to very bad and unhealthy things. In the case of Jews we leave ourselves open to exploitation of the sort we have just discussed. We pretend that there is no difference between them and us, and so we aren't expecting to be exploited. Our guard is down. And then we are exploited. In the case of Blacks and Whites, pretending that the only difference is in the color of our skin has led us into an enormous disaster. It is destroying America and our people and our civilization. It has made wastelands of large sections of our cities. It has devastated our schools and robbed many of our young people of an education of the quality they need to make the most of themselves. It has exposed our people to the sort of criminal violence that is natural for Blacks but not for us. It has cost us many, many more billions of dollars in welfare programs and law enforcement than even Michael Milken and his fellow tribesmen have swindled from us.

Yesterday I was watching a television program that was mostly about my record company, Resistance Records, and the music we produce and distribute and the young people who compose and play the music and listen to it. The program came from VH1, which is a music channel owned by the same fellow who owns MTV. He uses the name Sumner Redstone but was born Murray Rothstein. Redstone/Rothstein is another of these billionaire Jews we've been talking about, and his program on VH1 gave the public the Jewish spin on me and Resistance Records and resistance music generally. He calls our music, "hate rock," because some of it expresses the anger and frustration of young White Americans who are forced to live with the real-world consequences of pretending that there is no difference between Blacks and Whites: the anger of young, White Americans who have experienced the reality of racially mixed neighborhoods and racially mixed schools.

The program pretends that I and these young Americans are hateful by nature, that there's really no reason for us to be angry, that everything would be rosy if we would just pretend, along with everyone else, that Blacks and Whites are the same, that there's no difference. Then we could all be happy and live together peacefully, and everything would be wonderful. It is just our perverse nature that makes us hateful and keeps us from pretending that we believe in racial equality and racial togetherness. That's the myth that Sumner Redstone has spun and is selling to the public through the mass media he owns: through his CBS television network and his MTV and VH1 channels, much like Michael Milken sold to the directors of America's savings-and-loan institutions the myth that they could become rich by investing in his junk bonds.

As I mentioned last week, Michael Milken's myth cost us $500 billion when the savings-and-loan industry went bankrupt 15 years ago. Sumner Redstone's myth of equality already has cost us vastly more than that and eventually will cost us our very existence if we continue to be deceived by it. And of course, it's not just Redstone's myth. It's a myth spun by and propagated by Redstone's whole tribe. The myth of diversity, equality, unity, and all of the other labels in which it's packaged is being peddled to the American public through every medium the Jews control: through television and radio, through newspapers, through magazine advertising, through Hollywood films, and all the rest. "Multiculturalism is a wonderful thing," they all proclaim. "Diversity is our strength." "Keep our borders open, because the Browns and Yellows that are pouring into America really are the same as Whites, and we are a nation of immigrants."

And of course, anyone who doesn't swallow the myth is a "hater." Any White person who stands up and says, "Hey! Multiculturalism is a bad idea. It's a nightmare. It's wrecking America," is attacked the way I and the other people involved in Resistance Records were attacked on Redstone's VH1 program. Pushing the idea that we ought to keep our borders open is a large-scale effort involving a very substantial portion of the Jewish community in America. Ramming multiculturalism down our throats is a joint effort involving virtually all of the mass media, and that means virtually all of the Jews in positions of control or ownership in the media, from Hollywood to Madison Avenue. Spinning and selling the poisonous myth of equality is an effort supported by nearly every Jew, not just a few evil master mythmakers.

To be sure, just as in the financial swindling of America, this ideological swindling of America has had plenty of Gentile collaborators and co-conspirators. And I'm not referring only to the lemmings who parrot back whatever nonsense about equality and the wonders of diversity they have absorbed from television; I'm talking about the Gentile politicians and businessmen and teachers and preachers and publicists who know better, but who for one reason or another went along and still are going along with the Jewish campaign to multiculturalize America. Despite these collaborators and co-conspirators, however, it is clear that it has been Jewish Hollywood and Jewish Madison Avenue that have pushed the poison from the beginning and without which the campaign never would have been able to do the damage that it has done.

In the VH1 program about Resistance Records I saw yesterday, Mr. Redstone was taking a poll of viewers. "Should White resistance music be outlawed?" he asked. "Should the government prohibit the production and sale and performance of 'hate rock' music?"

Do you think that's a joke? I'll tell you, it certainly isn't. That's the standard way that Redstone and his fellow tribesmen deal with opposition or exposure. Once they have corrupted a country, they get their bought politicians to enact legislation making it illegal to criticize or contradict them. They've already done that in Canada and in most countries in Europe. They've made what they call "hate speech"--and that includes "hate music"--illegal. Black gangsta' rap, with its lyrics about killing Whites, is all right--in fact, some of Redstone's Jewish friends in the music business produce and distribute gangsta' rap--but in Canada or Germany you can go to jail for playing White resistance music, or for contradicting any of their "Holocaust" stories about the nasty Germans converting innocent, blameless Jews into lampshades or soap. They're pushing hard for the same sort of legislation here. They really would like to make it illegal for me to produce and distribute White resistance music and for you to listen to it.

Speaking of the "Holocaust"--as you know, that's another of my pet subjects. Although Redstone and his pals like to label me a "Holocaust denier," I'm really not. I don't deny that there was a campaign by the Germans before and during the Second World War to get the Jews out of their country and off their backs, and that during the war many Jews perished in the concentration camps and labor camps into which they were herded. What I deny is many of the details, such as Jewish lampshades and soap.

The Jews, as they do with everything where they see the possibility for a good swindle, spun a myth about what had happened to them, and they sold that myth to the Gentiles. They took the basic fact that the Germans wanted the Jews out of their society and to that end put many Jews in concentration camps, and they embellished that fact with a great many lies about lampshades and soap and gas chambers and medical experiments, and that myth became the "Holocaust."

They used their grip on our news and entertainment media, which was very strong even before the Second World War, to sell to the American people their myth about the terrible mistreatment of innocent and inoffensive Jews by beastly Germans. And as is nearly always the case they had plenty of corrupt Gentile politicians willing to collaborate with them. The result was that they got us to go to war to save them from Hitler. We made an alliance with the communists, with the Soviet Union, for that purpose, and we killed millions of our own people, millions of our fellow Europeans, but we saved the Jews.

And look at what the Jews have done to us since the war to express their gratitude for being saved from Hitler! They have deliberately and with malice aforethought multiculturalized us. They have opened our borders to the Third World. They have given us feminism and Affirmative Action and gangsta' rap. They have promoted homosexuality as a "normal" lifestyle. With their advertising and their television they have persuaded millions of young, White women that it's OK to have a Black boyfriend, that it's fashionable. And Sumner Redstone, with his VH1 and his CBS network and his MTV, has been at the forefront of that particular campaign of genocide against us. And they have descended on us like a swarm of locusts with every sort of scam and swindle imaginable, fleecing us of hundreds of billions of dollars, a la Milken and Weiss and Fastow and Winnick.

The damage the Jews have done to America since 1945 far, far outweighs the damage done to the Jews by the Germans between 1933 and 1945. And the eventual death toll among our own people before we have cleaned up the mess the Jews have made of America will far exceed their losses during the so-called "Holocaust." We Americans have made some big mistakes, but really, going to war against our own kinsmen in Europe in order to save the Jews from Hitler was our biggest mistake.
Former Hasta Primus for P.M. Ben Klassen with the Church of the Creator at North Carolina, and later the right-hand man for Dr William Pierce with the National Alliance. Currently the Chairman of the National Alliance.


The Jerusalem Post Internet Edition

Rancid materialism is corrupting our community

Dec. 15, 2008
Shmuley Boteach , THE JERUSALEM POST

The Jewish community better get serious about the cancer that's growing inside it. The devastation on Wall Street carries a lot of Jewish names, from firms like Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers to individuals such as Bernard Madoff, whose $50 billion Ponzi scheme collapsed over the weekend, and lawyer Marc Dreier, arrested last week for defrauding investors of hundreds of millions of dollars.

On the Internet more and more people who don't like us are beginning to connect the dots, pointing out that there are an awful lot of Jews who bear responsibility for Wall Street's fall. But that's not what bothers me. Anti-Semites will always find something to hate us for, and I'm way too busy to worry about what a bunch of bigots think anyway.

Rather, what worries me is this: what if some if it is true?   :o  What if our community has become too obsessed with money? What if our values have become about wearing the most expensive Cartier watch and driving a suped-up Mercedes? What if a disproportionately large number of young Jews are running to work on Wall Street and never even considering jobs like teaching, the rabbinate, or doing outreach because the compensation, comparatively, stinks?

FOR TOO long the Jewish community has excused all manner of material excess so long as those who sported giant jewels and enormous gold watches also gave lots of tzedaka (charity). It is true that Judaism has always said that riches are a blessing because they enable one's resources to be used for the benefit of others. We reject the New Testament statement that the rich will find it harder to get into heaven than a camel passing through the eye of a needle. But tzedaka is not the only Jewish value. So is modesty, humility, and baal tashchis - a commandment not to indulge in excess and waste. Indeed, the only personal characteristic in the Bible about Moses, the greatest Jew who ever lived, was that "he was the most humble man who walked the earth."

And yet the materialism in our community has become rancid. I was sitting with a group of rich Jewish businessmen the other day who were talking about a friend's son's bar mitzva in which an NBA superstar made a guest appearance for which he was paid an insane amount. Indeed, bar and bas mitzvas have become for many a game of million-dollar one-upmanship. Now, what kind of values are being communicated to these young people on the occasion of becoming responsible members of our community? That life is about showing off? Do we want our kids ending up as the insecure social climbers who joined the exclusive Jewish country clubs where word went out that being part of Bernard Madoff's investment fund was a privilege reserved for a chosen few and that they better beg to be admitted?

I SEE a lot of Jewish people walking around these days with a red string on their wrists. Popularized by the Kabbalah Center, it's supposed to ward off the eiyan ha'ra, the evil eye. The original Jewish concept of the evil eye was based on the idea of not flaunting wealth so as not to incur the jealousy of those less fortunate. It was based on the beautiful Jewish value of human dignity, of not making people less successful feel bad about themselves. What was once a message of humility and simplicity has now been transformed into one in which it is permitted to sport a ten-carat diamond so long as it is accompanied by a silly piece of string.

And the coarsening of our values isn't only about money. I attended a modern orthodox bas mitzvah not long ago where the boys and girls, all of 12 and 13, began to 'grind' their genitalia against one another on the dance floor. The parents watched from the sidelines. One father was appalled and wanted to complain to the Jewish day school that allowed it, but was discouraged from doing so because of the social censure his son might face.

And where are the rabbis through all this? Why aren't they preaching the time-honored Torah values of modesty, humility, and sincerity? Tragically, many of us rabbis are either afraid to speak out or have been bought off. We're don't want to incur the wrath of our congregants and boards by criticizing these corrupt values, or we've been bought off by wealthy donors who support our organizations and who will turn off the spigot if we dare decry their excess. In orthodoxy, the problem is often an emphasis on meticulous adherence to rituals without a concomitant commitment to the values these rituals are meant to inspire. In more secular circles the problem is often a lack of emphasis on either.

FOR YEARS now I have been passionately arguing the need for the Jewish community to serve as a light unto the nations by promulgating our values to the non-Jewish world. We ought to be known primarily not for the billions of Wall Street but for the warmth of the family dinner table. It was for this reason that I launched 'This World: The Jewish Values Network" with its first national program being a campaign to have all American families "Turn Friday Night Into Family Night." Non-Jewish families from all over America have begun to commit to Friday dinners at our website, But just as they are doing so, I heard that our local JCC, an outstanding facility which I use all the time with my kids, is considering opening on Shabbos. Come on. Our community is supposed to stand for something, like the idea of sacred time. There is one day a week devoted to family and community rather than swimming and soccer. One day a week when Mom gets to be a wife rather than a chauffeur, and Dad gets to be a father rather than a coach.

Let me confess that I am just as materialistic as the people I criticize even as I lack the resources to indulge their more expensive tastes. But when I forget that Judaism demands the heart over the wallet, I feel ashamed of having lost my way. Perhaps it's how we all ought to feel as this economic meltdown exposes the betrayal of the very values that have ensured the spiritual integrity of our community for millennia.

Rabbi Boteach's newest book The Kosher Sutra: Eight Sacred Secrets to Reigniting Desire and Restoring Passion for Life will be published next month by HarperOne. His website is
Former Hasta Primus for P.M. Ben Klassen with the Church of the Creator at North Carolina, and later the right-hand man for Dr William Pierce with the National Alliance. Currently the Chairman of the National Alliance.


Picower charity folds due to Bernard Madoff trading scandal losses,22606,24830230-5005962,00.html

QuoteTHE Picower Foundation, a charity that supports programs ranging from medical research to education, said it was shutting down because of losses from investments with Bernard Madoff.

The foundation's assets, which were listed at more than $1 billion, were managed by Madoff, the fund manager accused in a $50 billion fraud.

"This act of fraud has had a devastating impact on tens of thousands of lives as well as numerous philanthropic foundations and nonprofit organisations," foundation President Barbara Picower said.

"We deeply regret that in such a harsh economic climate, we will be unable to support the profoundly important programs and organistions that have helped us further the Foundation's mission."

Madoff, who was arrested on December 11, is accused of running a global Ponzi scheme, where earlier investors are paid off with investments of newer clients. The fund manager was put under 24-hour detention in his Manhattan apartment.

The scam has affected businesses and charities around the world.

Tufts University in Medford, Massachusetts, has written off a $20 million investment it made with Madoff Securities, according to a letter from Lawrence Bacow, president of the university.

The investment accounted for less than 2 per cent of the university's endowment, Ms Bacow said.
The Picower Foundation has distributed more than $268 million in grants to organisations around the United States.

Organisations that have received funding include the Picower Institute for Learning and Memory at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology as well as Human Rights First.

The foundation also has provided funding for the New York Public Library, the Children's Health Fund and the Palm Beach County School district.

I wonder how many schools and organisations it donated to were majority Jewish or pro ADL format?

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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Noli Nothis Permittere Le Terere
The only way to prevent 1984 is 2323
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"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain.


The bitch should be charged for her part in the conspiracy; but we are talking about a Jewish crime family, where the family patriarch is given a sentence in a top notch holiday resort style prison, while his family pack up and move to Israel, to where the patriarch is eventually repatriated, freed and honoured as a hero of the Jewish people for his financial contributions.

Madoff wife sued for $54m,22606,25856348-5005962,00.html

THE US Government-appointed trustee tracking down Wall Street fraudster Bernard Madoff's missing billions filed a $US45 million ($54.41 million) lawsuit today against Madoff's wife.

The suit filed in New York seeks $US44,822,355 that the trustee, Irving Picard, says Ruth Madoff received directly or indirectly over the last six years as a result of Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities' fraudulent dealings.

"For decades, Mrs Madoff lived a life of splendor using the money of BLMIS's customers," he says in the suit.

"Regardless of whether or not Mrs Madoff knew of the fraud her husband perpetrated" those funds should be retrieved "for the benefit of BLMIS and its defrauded customers".

Madoff, a former pillar of the Wall Street community and the trusted investment advisor of wealthy clients, was sentenced to 150 years in prison last month.

He pleaded guilty to running a multi-billion dollar Ponzi scheme in which he stole investors' money to pay phony returns to other investors.

At sentencing, Madoff agreed to forfeit all assets. His wife was left $US2.5 million. However, that forfeiture allows Picard to continue to seek funds for victims.

In the suit, Picard says that "while Madoff's crimes have left many investors impoverished and some charities decimated, Mrs Madoff remains a person of substantial means".

"The inequity between Mrs Madoff's continuing financial advantages and the economic distress of Madoff's customers compels the Trustee to bring this action."

Picard argues that the $US45 million were transferred from Madoff's company to his wife or for her benefit to companies in which she had a stake.
Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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Noli Nothis Permittere Le Terere
The only way to prevent 1984 is 2323
Joining the Creativity Alliance is Free

"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain.

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