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'THAT'S RACIST!' The Incessant Scream from MSM ...

Started by Rev.Cambeul, Fri 13 Nov 2015

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This type of treatment is reserved only for WHITES

Jewish cafe patrons sitting quietly chatting over their drinks have been subjected to a threatening tirade from a complete stranger, who accused them of being part of a 'genocidal race'.
The Price is Reich!

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Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
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Ever seen Blacks screaming racial abuse at Whites? Adults? Oldies? Children? It happens every day in Australia, but that's not "RACIST!" Is it?

Police are investigating after children of AFL great Eddie Betts became victims of a horrific racist attack while playing basketball in the backyard of their home.

CCTV footage shows a white car slowly rolling past Betts' Glen Iris home before someone in the car yells a racial slur four times at about 8.30pm on Thursday.

The footage was shared by Betts, 37, on Instagram, who wrote: 'Aboriginal kids deserve to be able to play safely, free from racism and abuse over the fence.
The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
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A young man told police he was disgusted that the media 'twisted' a photo of him to make it look like he displayed a Nazi salute at a major football grand final, a court has been told

The legal action against Sieben and two other men - none of whom know each other - is the first high-profile case brought under an anti-Nazi law introduced in NSW in 2022 (pictured, fans at the 2022 Australia Cup final)
The Price is Reich!

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Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
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Pauline Hanson hate-speech trial set to open after she told Greens MP to 'p*** off back to Pakistan'

Lawyers for Senator Pauline Hanson have said she told the federal Greens deputy leader to go back to Pakistan in response to a provocative, offensive tweet about the death of Queen Elizabeth II.

Senator Mehreen Faruqi is suing the One Nation leader in the Federal Court over alleged racist discrimination through a September 2022 tweet

At the time, Hanson wrote that she was appalled and disgusted with Faruqi's comments, telling her to "pack [her] bags and p–s off back to Pakistan".

She had responded to an earlier tweet by Faruqi, who wrote she could not mourn the passing of the leader of a "racist empire built on stolen lives, land and wealth of colonised peoples".

As the trial began on Monday, Faruqi's barrister Saul Holt KC said the tweet was targeted towards his client as a Muslim woman of colour who had migrated to Australia.

The "demeaning and insulting" language caused people like Faruqi and others to feel a range of psychological effects including fear, anxiety and stress, Holt said.

The tweet had to be understood in the wider context of racism that was "pernicious and deeply harmful", as well as the One Nation leader's tendency to say racist things, he told Justice Angus Stewart.

In an affidavit, Faruqi said she felt like she was not accepted in Australia and became fearful of the hate and racism that Hanson's tweet would encourage.

"A tweet of this kind in the Twittersphere, the dogwhistle doesn't just stand on its own," Holt said.

Under cross-examination, Faruqi was taken to a December 2017 tweet by her son Osman

* * * *


Greens MP Mehreen Faruqi branded a racism 'hypocrite' in bombshell court row with Pauline Hanson after she was told to 'p*** off back to Pakistan' by the One Nation leader

Excerpt: Greens Senator Mehreen Faruqi is a 'hypocrite' who is 'only against certain forms of racism', the federal court has been told in her blockbuster proceedings against Pauline Hanson.

Under cross examination on Monday morning, Ms Faruqi reiterated that she stands against racism, but Ms Hanson's high-powered silk Sue Chrysanthou SC argued that she is selective in her advocacy.

'I'll be putting to her that she's a hypocrite and that she's only against certain forms of racism,' Ms Chrysanthou said.

She honed in on social media posts made by Ms Faruqi's son, Age journalist Osman Faruqi, which she told the court were offensive to white people.

One tweet read: 'Mediocre white people should be in the bin but instead they own everything and are every-f***ing-where.'

Asked whether she thought the post constituted racism, Ms Faruqi said: 'I don't.'

'You don't consider it racist?' Ms Chrysanthou asked again.

Ms Faruqi argued that racism 'is tied to who holds the power and has the authority, to perpetrate racism. In this country, the power is held by white people.'

* * * *

Sandra Sully mortified after accidentally reporting Pauline Hanson is battling claims she is a 'RAPIST' instead of 'RACIST' amid hate speech court battle

Excerpt: Veteran news presenter Sandra Sully was left red-faced after she accidentally misread an autocue on Monday night's edition of 10 News First.

Sandra Sully Knows: RAPIST BAD - RACIST GOOD
Just so you know, we've had this picture since 2011;id=1256

Sully, 59, was reporting on One Nation leader Pauline Hanson's hate speech court battle against Greens MP Mehreen Faruqi when a slip of the tongue saw her read the word 'racist' as 'rapist'.

Sully quickly corrected herself, saying: 'Racist, I apologise. And correct, THAT'S RACIST!'

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The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
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The Whitest City in Australia
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Aleister Adams

The kike ran media keeps the racial propaganda going 24/7. And the typical American shallows it hook line and sinker.


Pointing out the false eyelashes on a Black woman is now RACIST!

Democratic Congresswoman Jasmine Crockett doubled down that right-wing firebrand Marjorie Taylor Green is 'racist' and warning the Georgia congresswoman 'don't come for me' after Greene attacked Crockett's appearance in a late night hearing.

'I don't think you know what we're here for,' Greene said at the hearing before turning her sights on Crocketts' appearance. 'I think your fake eyelashes are messing up what you're reading.'

At that same hearing, Crockett fired back by asking committee chairman James Comer about personal attacks 'if someone on this committee then starts talking about somebody's bleach blonde, bad-built, butch body' if that would be against the rules.

Crockett, who is Black, went on CNN's State of the Union Sunday where she was asked about Greene ridiculing her 'fake eyelashes' in a hearing to hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress on Thursday.

'I think her specifically doing it to me, yes, that was the intent,' Crockett responded to a question by moderator Jake Tapper about whether the attack was racist.

'[Women] wear all types of things to beautify ourselves, but MAGA has historically been on social media doing the things where they're saying "oh she's Black with lashes and nails and hair and so she's ghetto,' Crockett said.

'To me, this was her buying into that rhetoric and trying to amplifying this for the MAGA crowd, and so yeah, I absolutely think that she only did it to be racist towards me,' Crockett added. 

Fake eyelashes, fake lips, fake tits, fake fat arse
Fake News about a fake offence to a fake victim

On Friday, Crockett shot back that Greene is 'racist.'

'That is them attacking me, really as a black woman and all they're trying to do is be like racists. That's it. That's that's all it is, is racism,' she said.

Crockett also suggested that Greene would probably raise money off the attack 'because the racists are gonna be so happy to give it to her' and noted that Greene has never criticized the appearance of any of her other colleagues.

* * * *

Forget those with the Black Privilege of permanent victimhood entitlements, here's real discrimination ...

Blind man, 33, turned away from Uber 76 times because of his guide dog is dubbed 'the Sherlock Holmes of equality law' after securing more than 30 convictions against discriminating drivers - They wont pick him up because they are Muslim

At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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