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'THAT'S RACIST!' The Incessant Scream from MSM ...

Started by Rev.Cambeul, Fri 13 Nov 2015

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&wigger "Knee Grow!"

UK: Sainsbury's says it is 'truly sorry' as it removes school trousers advertised using 'racial slur' from its online store

Excerpt: The company - which owns the clothing brand, TU - was criticised for listing a pair of school trousers as having a 'knee grow' hem, a phrase which is allegedly used as a disguise for a racial slur.

The two pairs of trousers in question are advertised as 'Grey Skinny Reinforced Knee Grow Hem Trousers 2 Pack' and 'Reinforced Knee Grow Hem Woven Trousers 2 Pack'.

Other school trousers by TU, had various other titles, including 'Skinny Fit Grow Hem', 'Longer Leg Grow Hem' and 'Generous Fit Woven Grow Hem'.

The company said it was 'urgently updating' the product labelling after being notified of the issue, adding 'we're truly sorry for the upset this has caused'.

A single complaint resulting in the usual White Guilt
At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain.


Independent MP Zali Steggall has accused Opposition Leader Peter Dutton of being racist in fiery scenes in Parliament.

It followed Dutton doubling down on his call on Wednesday for a blanket ban on visas for Palestinians fleeing to Australia from war-torn Gaza

Dutton's captain's call came without consulting his frontbench and is understood to have surprised opposition MPs.

On Thursday, as the Coalition interrupted House proceedings with a motion to suspend standing orders to debate his Palestinian visa argument, Steggall was one of those to speak in opposition.

She said it was "extremely concerning" to see the opposition "whipping up a sense of fear and an inference that, for example, our services and systems are not working".

"These are normal families. These are families you are seeking to paint that somehow they are all terrorists that they should all be mistrusted ... that they are not worthy of humanitarian aid," Steggall said.

As Dutton began interjecting, Steggall yelled at him to "stop being racist".

He immediately called for the withdrawal of the "offensive and unparliamentary remark

Steggall did, after consultation with Speaker Milton Dick.

She was surrounded by fellow teal independents Zoe Daniel, Kate Chaney, Sophie Scamps, Kylea Tink and Helen Haines after her speech. Government MPs, led by Tanya Plibersek, also sat with Steggall.

 &er  &:( These bloody Je🇮🇱ws! Think they are that entitled they can push Arabs around and then try Puppeteer Western leaders into taking the rubbish nobody wants in their community.

When somebody raises valid points about them not being welcome because of their dangerous, and Alien culture, the words "Racist" and "UnParliamentary" gets bandied around!

Shut the hell up! Give this scum the keys to your community, let them encroach on your turf with their Mosques. Only comment about :- environmental, noise pollution or parking issues or loose your right to speak in meetings! Don't you know keeping Jew🇮🇱s happy is paramount?! Own nothing! Be happy!😃

The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
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Did you know this?  And she makes $193,000 a year to tell us this.

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok


"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok


This is Australia ...

* * * *

Meanwhile, over in in old south Wales the USSK (the United Soviet Socialist Kingdom), the anti-Whiteness spreads as buildings and towns are now RACIST!

Avoid meetings in 'racist' buildings, librarians told

Staff will be instructed in 'critical whiteness studies' and dealing with the 'dominant paradigm of whiteness'

Craig Simpson | The Telegraph (UK) | 19 August 2024

Buildings can be racist? You learn something new every day.

Excerpt: Librarians should avoid holding meetings in "racist" buildings, decolonisation training experts have advised.

Libraries across Wales have been given the task of becoming "anti-racist", in line with the devolved Labour government's pledge to "eradicate" systemic racism by 2030.

Training is being devised as part of a £130,000 project to instruct local librarians in "critical whiteness studies" and how to deal with issues like the "dominant paradigm of whiteness".

Advisers on the process have made clear that planned training sessions should not take place in buildings with a "racist" past.

The guidance comes after dozens of buildings in Wales, from pubs to community centres, were added to a 2021 government-backed dossier of sites linked to slavery and colonialism.

Documents outlining how libraries can be made to align with "anti-racist principles" state that new staff training sessions will be necessary.

A warning in a "venue booking" guide says: "Be mindful of the venue and if you have a choice, do not choose a venue that represents a racist legacy."

It also makes provision in case avoiding buildings with a "racist" past is not possible, stating: "If you have to use a venue that has a racist past, acknowledge this as early as possible to demonstrate your commitment to systemic issues.

"You can even acknowledge historical context in the event invitation."

The new guidance adds that training materials should be checked for "harmful" content, and advises that providing "vegetarian and vegan options only can be used to support any decarbonisation or net zero goals of your organisation".

Welsh government research, set out in the 2021 report The Slave Trade and the British Empire: An Audit of Commemoration in Wales, has already outlined which places may prove problematic to would-be anti-racism trainers.

Buildings, streets, monuments and statues linked to figures with connections to slavery and empire, including Admiral Nelson, Waterloo hero Thomas Picton, Francis Drake and the Duke of Wellington, were included.

The entire 4,600-person village of Nelson in Caerphilly – which itself was named after a pub – was flagged in a draft version of the audit.

The one-storey Picton Community centre in Haverfordwest was flagged, along with a sports centre in town named for the same general and colonial administrator.

The Goronwy Owen primary school in Anglesey, named after the Welsh poet, was flagged because its namesake owned slaves.

The Wellington Community Centre in Rhyl, named for the Iron Duke who defeated Indian armies before French ones, was deemed potentially problematic, as was Columbus House in Newport, a government building. Columbus has been blamed for being the first coloniser of the New World.

Also flagged was Gladstone's Library in Hawarden, Flintshire, a memorial library for William Gladstone, a four-time prime minister whose father received compensation for his Caribbean investments when slavery was abolished.
The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
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