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White People Rule: Redheads Have Super Powers

Started by Rev.Cambeul, Sun 03 Dec 2017

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Redheads have genetic superpowers

The Big Redhead Book (St. Martins), out now, by scarlet-haired writer Erin La Rosa.

Extract: Forget everything you've heard about gingers. According to science, redheads have genetic superpowers and have higher thresholds for pain.

Not only are "gingers" a mere 2 per cent of the population (the rarest combination is a redhead with blue eyes like Amy Adams), they're also different in far subtler ways. Research indicates that redheads have higher thresholds for pain and need less vitamin D than the rest of us thanks to the MC1R gene mutation, which gives their hair its hue.

Here are some of the most intriguing facts about the so-called "unicorns of the human world" adapted from La Rosa's book:

They Smell Sexier

Red-headed women emit a particularly distinct aroma — that of ambergris, an earthy and sensual scent. (Later, science proved that skin mantle — a thin, acidic film on our skin's surface — is actually more acidic in redheads, causing perfume to more quickly evaporate when applied and potentially emitting a unique smell of its own.)

They don't need as much vitamin D

Thanks to higher concentration of red hair and pale skin in cloudy European environments, redheads adapted a greater ability to create their own vitamin D. So when a redhead goes outside, he or she produces more vitamin D in a shorter amount of time than people with other hair colours. This gives an evolutionary advantage, since low levels of vitamin D can lead to ailments like rickets, diabetes and arthritis.

Red-headed women handle pain better

A 2003 McGill University study showed that red-headed women can tolerate up to 25 per cent more pain than people with other hair colours. Another study out of Oslo University found that red-headed women feel less pain when pricked by a pin. Still, they're harder to sedate. The University of Louisville found that it takes 20 per cent more general anaesthesia during surgery to put a redhead under. And while a brunette may only need one shot of Novocaine at the dentist, a redhead needs two or three.

They know when it's getting cold

Redheads feel hot and cold temperatures more severely than anyone else. In 2005, the University of Louisville discovered this hidden gift and hypothesised that the redhead gene, MC1R, may cause the human temperature-detecting gene to become overactivated, making redheads more sensitive to thermal extremes. So if a redhead tells you they're feeling a bit chilly, you'd better grab a blanket, because winter is coming.
Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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