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Game Call of Duty to Monitor "Hate Speech"

Started by Rev.Cambeul, Fri 01 Sep 2023

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Boycott Activision!

This is just plain anti-Whiteness. A person of colour could have any game bans lifted, because their speech is Protected Speech. That is not the case for Whites. A White just having contact and dialogue with a Black is today often considered to be Hate Speech. Whites succeeding at anything - including winning games - is considered to be a Hate Crime.

Consider This: Whites are the majority purchasers of these games. They aren't paying to sit at home alone playing Space Invaders like it was the 80's. They are paying to be part of a global gaming community, from which they will ultimately be banned because only Black Looters Matter.

Next it'll be your OK Google, Alexa and Siri automatically calling the Political Police because you've been overheard having a snigger at your Bigger Mac. ~ @Cailen.

Black Looters Matter

Google is indoctrinating Black students to believe that Black Looters are cultural heroes on a par with the Boston Tea Party.

Call of Duty rolls out AI-powered voice chat monitoring to crack down on hate speech

One of the world's most popular video games has taken a drastic step to crack down on hate speech and other "toxic" behaviour.

Excerpt: Call of Duty players will have their in-game voice chat monitored by artificial intelligence in real-time as part of a major crackdown on hate speech and other harmful behaviour.

Activision announced in a blog post on Wednesday that it had partnered with tech firm Modulate to roll out its AI-powered voice chat moderation tool ToxMod, to "identify in real-time and enforce against toxic speech — including hate speech, discriminatory language, harassment and more".

An initial beta rollout of the new system began on Wednesday to North American players of the popular online shooter series, which includes Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II and Call of Duty: Warzone.

The AI tool will be released worldwide — excluding Asia — on November 10, coinciding with the launch of the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III on November 10.

Support will begin in English with additional languages to follow at a later date.

"This new development will bolster the ongoing moderation systems led by the Call of Duty anti-toxicity team, which includes text-based filtering across 14 languages for in-game text (chat and usernames) as well as a robust in-game player reporting system," Activision said.

"Since the launch of Modern Warfare II, Call of Duty's existing anti-toxicity moderation has restricted voice and/or text chat to over one million accounts detected to have violated the Call of Duty Code of Conduct. Consistently updated text and username filtering technology has established better real-time rejection of harmful language."

At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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