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Prefer to Date Within Your Race? That Could Change

Started by Sturmkrieger, Thu 11 Oct 2018

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Quite interesting that term "sexual racism." Apparently it's "harmful" for me to dislike those outside my race and actually want my children to look like me. But then again, isn't everything we Creators do "harmful" to everything being build in this Jew-infested world?


Dating applications can allow users to fall into their own racial biases while searching for a partner, a new study says.

But in their study, researchers from schools like Cornell University say the "sexual racism" that plagues apps like Grindr, Tinder and Bumble can be stamped out with a few simple changes. The end goal, the study says, is to promote more diverse pairings on the dating sites.

Jevan Hutson, lead author of the study, said in a press release from Cornell University that "it's really an unprecedented time for dating and meeting online" — which requires a more thorough look at how we can prevent discrimination on these dating apps.

"More people are using these apps, and they're critical infrastructures that don't get a lot of attention when it comes to bias and discrimination," he said in the press release. "Intimacy is very private, and rightly so, but our private lives have impacts on larger socioeconomic patterns that are systemic."

So just how does this racial bias play out for the estimated 15 percent of adults who use the dating apps?

Take the case of Sinakhone Keodara for example. He threatened to sue Grindr, a dating app for gay, bi and trans men, because of "sexual racism" he faced on the site, NBC reported. More specifically, Keodara says some users on the site had captions like "Not interested in Asians."

Phumlani Kango, from Johannesburg, South Africa, said in an interview with NBC that the racism is prevalent in his country, too.

"What happens in Los Angeles ... where you have 'no fats, no femmes,' it happens [in South Africa] as well," he told NBC. "... They will say 'no rice, no chocolate, no curry' — which means no Asian, no black and no Indian."

As noted by the study — which compiled data from prior research — white people are ten times more likely to receive a message from a black person on a dating app than they are to message the black user themselves. That suggests a hierarchy of attention on racial lines.

The study found other examples of inequality in dating apps, including:

Asian men and black women have the lowest chance of receiving a message or a response.
White people of "all ages" prefer to go on dates with other white people.
College students are most likely to avoid going on dates with black women.

Stephanie Yeboah, a blogger, said that she has experienced racism as a black woman on online dating apps even when people are open to meeting up, according to The Independent. She said that some people ask offensive questions like if they can "get a taste of jungle fever" — and say they want to see if black women are "as aggressive in bed as they've heard."

"Comments such as these are extremely dehumanizing to myself and other black women who are only looking for companionship," she told The Independent. "It seems to suggest that black women are only good for one thing, and cites back to previous ideologies of black people being compared to primates; as primal and feral, hyper-sexualized creatures. It's very hurtful."

Even Christian Rudder, founder of OK Cupid, said that "when you're looking at how two American strangers behave in a romantic context, race is the ultimate confounding factor."

But researchers behind the Cornell University study say they have some ways to push back against the racial biases of users.

The study's authors noted that OK Cupid itself experimented with pairing up users and saying they were "highly compatible" — even though they weren't considered good matches — and found that the conversation between the two people often went well.

In other words, it appeared that just the mere suggestion that two people were compatible made both users more likely to give the connection a chance. The study's authors wrote in a press release that it proves "the strong power of suggestion" that can be used to bridge the gap between people of different races.

Another potential solution could come from 9Monsters, a gay dating app from Japan, that allows people to describe themselves without explicitly revealing their race, according to the study's authors.

The app "groups every user into one of nine categories of fictional 'monster' according to a process that includes both the user's own type preference and the community's perception of them," the study says. "While 9Monsters may still sort users into categories along established lines like body type or weight, it's possible that this re-categorization may also help users look past other forms of difference, such as race, ethnicity, and ability."

Another gay dating app, called Hornet, prevents people from using their profile to mention race at all.

And a final solution might come in the form of "Kindr," a campaign from Grindr that seeks to stamp out prejudice on its app by promoting inclusion. The study's authors said positive writing about diversity may help promote more diverse couples on the apps.

The new guidelines from Kindr, for example, suggest that users describe "what you're into, not what you aren't" to avoid offending others.

"These guidelines exist to let you express yourself freely while also helping us maintain the safe, authentic, and accepting environment we strive to cultivate," the guidelines read. "Any violation of these guidelines may result in the removal of prohibited content or a permanent ban from Grindr."

But Landen Zumwalt, head of communications at Grindr, cautioned against hoping for a cure-all solution.

"Kindr is not going to solve racism by any means," Zumwalt said, according to GQ. "These issues have been present in our community long before Grindr, but we hope to increase conversations around it and have a dialogue about what constitutes sexual racism."

The study's authors concede that sexual racism is a hard thing to conquer — but Keodara, who threatened to sue Grindr, said fixing the problem would improve the mental well-being of people of color looking for a chance at love on dating apps, according to The Guardian.

"Over the years I've had some pretty harrowing experiences," Keodara told The Guardian. "You run across these profiles that say 'no Asians' or 'I'm not attracted to Asians'. Seeing that all the time is grating; it affects your self-esteem."
Build a Whiter, Brighter World

Reverend Peter Sturm
N.C. U.S.A.


Decades ago an infamous picture of a Halle Jiga'Berry creature was published with the beast in a bathing suit, frolicking in the surf. The claim was that only White Supremacists would refuse to drool and lust over the foul water-dwelling creature.

How many matchmaking websites are there on the web promoting Black Only, Asian Only, Jewish Only, Muslim Only and so on .... dating? Each and every single one of those is considered to be legit in the eyes of general society. And yet, White Only matchmaking websites are considered to be the work of White Supremacists?

Why? Because we live in a society that dictates What is good for the Black Man is the highest virtue, and what is good for the White Man is the ultimate sin.

Consider This: If Black is so Beautiful, why does just about every Mick-Jagger-Lipped nignog seem to be asking, Where's all the White Women/Men at? Interspecies relations are such a conundrum for the Black is Beautiful crowd.

Web Search: halle berry ugly picture

Notable Search Responses:
Is Halle Berry ugly or is it just me? | Yahoo Answers
Paul Mooney Calls Halle Berry 'That Ol' Ugly Half White Woman ...
Halle Berry Cheekily Calls Out Prince Harry For Having Her ...
Halle Berry NAACP Awards red carpet outfit turns heads
Halle Berry|The Daily Ugly: Halle Berry

Quote from: Yahoo AnswersQuestion:
Is Halle Berry ugly or is it just me?

the current one, every time I see her pictures, I want to vomit, she's so old and that's with makeup, without it you must be very prepared for what you are about to see, and she wasn't even good to start with when she was young, she was just good considering that she's black, that's all

No, it's not you. And contrary to what "educators," school teachers have been telling you, it IS perfectly natural to find a different race unattractive.

Two main problems with female blacks.

1. Recent research says that black women, as unpleasant as it sounds to some, are at the bottom of the food chain when it comes to perspective dates or mates. One recent author, white of course, says that black women "seem to be comfortable with being overweight." And this seems to be a common attitude for them.

2. Is genetic. Although hotly contested by those on the Left, it seems perfectly natural for any human or other species to prefer others of their own type--the Left have claimed for the past 50 years that this is because whites are reared to be racist, this is simply NOT true and what's more there is ample scientific evidence that all species mate exclusively with their own type, i.e., cats do not mate with dogs and vice versa. Moreover, the genetics involved will not allow the sperm of one species to even fertilize the egg of another different species.

So with regards to your comment of Halle Barry is, to most white people, very unattractive--her speaking ability is a common fault of poorly educated, low IQ types. Lastly, the opposite is also true, i.e., blacks in charge of hiring (the former "president" is a good example) with almost universally hire other black people over equally, or even superior, white job applicants--an honest black person will have a long shopping list of things they do NOT find attractive about white people. It closely mirrors those opinions of whites regarding blacks--it's not a race issue it's a genetic fact. Period.

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain.


Of course that could be change because we are minority and I read but one mainstream newspaper that will be whites majority only in eastern Europe after 2100. however it depends of economic situation because in post communist Europe under feminism white children are not born. Mud womans are conservative instead of white womans of today especially on west. Blacks are impossible basically to keep family so their children live without fater on the streets.

Let me give you rethoric question: how feminised white womans look blacks and not whites? It is because blacks are without compromise for establishing black culture  while whites allow all. We must turn back white power through old style white family without feminism and full of strenght without compromise. Weaker sexual partner will fall over strong man and it is old military tactic of humiltion of defeat warriors,use their womans and move their males without their territory what result with cowardly white flight instead of attack on the enemy.
I am still learning English. Please forgive any errors you may see.


Racial greeting from Texas,
Very interesting reading put up here on the board. Myself being older than most view niggers as the bottom of the barrel so to speak and can only say that when  white woman is with a nigger she has to be removed from the white race, because what she has done in my book can never be undone. She now is a wigger which the way I was taught is even below a nigger!As far as white women dating nigger or any other race outside the white race is only to be said that they were raised wrong, That kind of liberal attitude that the jews have preached with there famous bible and spook in the sky BS has been and continues to destroy our race. And another thing in my mind, when I see a nigger I try to  imagine what line of monkeys they come from and like I tell my grandchildren some of them little nigger babies have tales and the doctor cuts them off just like folks cut off some dogs tail.My point is that if we teach our children that the only thing that is totally acceptable when choosing a mate is to do so with in your race, then this problem will go away. I realize we are fighting uphill battle, but it can be won and remember a good creator does not back down from a confor-tation, especially if we are talking about battling to save our beloved White Race... Draw your line deep, and always remember, What is good for the White Race is the highest virtue, what is bad for the white race is the ultimate sin! RaHoWa!!!

Harold Wilson Jr is a multi-millionaire who claimed he would put his money and land at the disposal of the CREATIVITY ALLIANCE. We do not want it! This man abandoned his pet dogs - pitbulls - to die without food, water or shelter, chained on his property on Union Grove Rd in Gladewater, Texas, on land he claimed he would give to CREATIVITY. We do not care how many years that Harold Wilson Jr has been a CREATOR, or that he was ordained by BEN KLASSEN. We want nothing from him. CREATORS CANNOT BE BOUGHT! Harold Wilson Jr should be HANGED for what he did to those dogs. He has therefore been EXCOMMUNICATED from the CREATIVITY ALLIANCE.

10456 & 10582 Union Grove Rd Gladewater, Texas 75647

257 County Rd 264 Beckville, Texas 75631


Harold Wilson Jr is known to have CREATIVITY ORIENTED TATTOOS upon his torso. We thank anyone that assists with their removal.

Reverend Dr Joe Esposito - Pontifex Maximus of Creativity
Reverend Cailen Cambeul - Church Administrator

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