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Wigger, Wigger, Misguided White Youth

Started by Stotan, Thu 09 Jan 2025

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"There is nothing sadder than a white boy trying to be black." That's a quote I thought up a few years back after seeing yet another white youth affecting a black persona and look. You know, the sagging pants, the "Lid", wearing a hoodie, maybe some jewelry, whatever, you know what I'm getting at.

My favorite is the hooded sweatshirt with the hood worn up. I was driving through town last week and it was unusually hot for the season, say upper 80's, yet there were many of the "brothers" walking around with hoodies and the hood up. Now, I could care less how any black male chooses to dress, it's his business not mine. But I see lots of white guys with that same look. They often throw in a baseball cap with the hood up to complete the ensemble.

So, my question is, why would a white youth choose to dress like this? Is it because white males have been disparaged, lied about and accused of almost everything under the sun? Is it because alpha males have been accused of being haters, white supremacists, nazis and more? Is it because white males have no male figures in their lives who serve as role models of what being a real male is? Or is it because everything black is being promoted and celebrated?

What do you think, isn't the obvious answer yes to all of the above?

On a related note, the Media has designated certain types of clothing as being white supremacist in nature. Google white supremacist clothing if you don't believe me. Things like polo shirts with khaki pants have been mentioned, hats with the logo 1776 or the Betsy Ross flag have also been targeted. Thor Steinar clothing is included as well as many other brands.

Here's some advice, we can't change the world but we can be an example to those white males we come in contact with. Be strong, don't be a fat shit whiner who'd rather be entertained than be a doer. Stop smoking dope and boozing. Instead of getting another tattoo on your soft body try working out, every day! Speak up when your race is being criticized or accused of things it didn't do.

Change things, one white youth at a time.


You don't have to be a wigger to have a base ball hat or a hoodie. If you like loose pants perhaps it's for activities that require loose pants?

There are wiggers and then there are others who maybe like baseball caps over broad brimmed hats.
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If it looks like a nigger, it smells like a nigger and behaves like a nigger.

Shun and abhor whites resembling niggers.
Jewish Supremacist Quote: "The goal for which we have striven so concertedly for three thousand years is at last within our reach. I can safely promise you that our race will soon take it's rightful place in the world with every Jew a King and every Gentile a Slave." - Rabbi Rabinovitch, Budapest Conference of European Rabbi's - 12 January 1952. [More ...]


These days it is about being a fag: starting in the 2000s, more and more men are joining the woketard, emo, metrosexual, hipster, bronie, and tranny subcultures that blatantly reject all masculinity regardless of race.

Rightists, especially White Supremacists like me, have higher testosterone levels than these faggy libtards:

Compare me, a militia man with camouflage and an assault rifle, along with these other masculine rightists:

With these low testosterone woke fagtards such as:

SJW Woketards: support stupid doctrines like affirmative action, diversity, political correctness, cancel culture, weapons control, and anti-self defense laws.

Emos: reject reason and intellect in favor of emotions and are prone to self-harming behaviors like self-mutilation and suicide.

Metrosexuals: dress in girly styles of clothing like pastel, skin tight, and revealing clothes, get girly haircuts, get cosmetic treatments, are extravagant, read sappy romance novels, listen to and sing sappy love songs such as alternative emo music from pussies like Sam Smith, Olivia Rodrigo, and Adele, watch sappy, romantic TV shows and movies, and get emotional easily to the point that they need to hide in their "safe spaces" when "triggered".

Hipsters: promote pseudo-healthy foods like whole grains which are full of gluten and soy and kale which are full of xenoestrogens, goitrogenic compounds and polyunsaturated fat, all of which are anti-androgens that can lower testosterone. With the Hipster music, which is as feminized as the Hippie love ballads and soft rock, being played all the time in public places, radio and TV stations, and music and video streaming websites, tight hipster clothing being sold on all clothing stores, which can lower testosterone, and pseudo-healthy testosterone lowering foods like whole grains, soy, and kale being promoted as part of a healthy diet, the feminization through testosterone reduction has begun.

Bronies: reject maturity and adulthood by dressing in baby clothes or animal costumes and acting like infants.

Trannies: this is the most extreme trend of all: men are getting their genitals chopped off, dressing in women's clothes, taking anti-androgens, taking estrogen, and calling themselves female.

Conclusion: we must not allow ourselves to be feminized:


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