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Lore: Flat Earth Cosmology And Origin Of Races

Started by Grimm, Wed 24 Jul 2019

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Haha haha...   its race based..  Enjoy.


My Avatar:UK TV's Poldark:- "I would need to be desperate"

The Survival Of The White Race Is Here!


This talk of.. "We share the same code"..  I want to point out...  We share the code with trees...  bugs..  etc..  Our code is HUGE..  the 0.04 differance.. Is HUGE because of the size of the code. 

Look.. we speak of genetic code.. It can be imagined as computer code.. There are several programming languages..  I can write millions of completely different codes an any one of these languages and someone can say "These share the same code!"..I can also take huge strings of code..  and after that..  add a simple variable that says, under various conditions.. read parts of the past code differently...

I can take the same exact code of a huge program..  the exact code..  and after that.. add a  very simple.. short.. function..  that changes how the past code completely operates..  I can crash that entire code, no matter how large..with probably 20 characters or less.. and someone can say "It is a change of only 0.00000001%"..  Look at huge broken programs...  that are fixed, and upgraded, with tiny, itty bitty, maybe under 1mb big files updates..

We are the upgrade, they are obsolete, and when the next upgrade comes (homosuperior) we will absorb them and destroy them..  just as we have Neanderthal artifacts in our own DNA.
My Avatar:UK TV's Poldark:- "I would need to be desperate"

The Survival Of The White Race Is Here!

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