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Jew TV like they need their own channel

Started by PatTracy, Sun 22 Nov 2009

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The jews apparently need their own al-Jazzera. I received this forwarded message from a comrade who was mistaken by the heebs as one of their own.

A Message from Phil Blazer and JLTV

Dear JLTV viewer:
I wish you and your family a sweet and healthy New Year. To help usher in the year 5770, we are proud to announce that JLTV is now carried in over 25 million homes, in all 50 states, across America. JLTV is the nation's first and only full-time, 24/7 Jewish-themed television channel. Our network is included as a basic channel.
With JLTV's home base in Hollywood, we have gathered a cadre of celebrities, producers, directors and composers who are actively involved in JLTV's programming. In addition, JLTV has studios in New York, Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.
Our commitment to you this New Year is to deliver diverse and vibrant programming including news, commentary, sports, entertainment, interviews, documentaries, feature films, live broadcasts, and educational programs for children and adults, along with special events and holiday content. We invite you to visit our JLTV website ( ) for a full listing and description of programs. If JLTV is not carried on your cable system, please notify your carrier and ask for it!
JLTV can now be seen on DIRECTV (Channel 366) and Time Warner Cable in New York/New Jersey (Channel 120) and Los Angeles/Southern California (Channel 177), along with other systems across America.
Phil Blazer
Founder and President

Shalom JLTV viewers,
The Israel Ministry of Tourism is excited to play an integral role in the launch of JLTV, America's first and only full-time Jewish-themed television channel.
JLTV viewers will have privileged daily updates on what is hot and new and happening in Israel. More and more American travelers are recognizing that in addition to being the Promised Land and the reborn Jewish State, Israel offers a myriad moods, attractions, aspects and experiences for the sophisticated traveler.
To encourage you to travel to Israel in the next 12 months, we've developed an on-line sweepstake for a free visit to Israel. We hope you'll participate. And even if you don't win, we hope you'll come anyway. Full details are at
Come to Israel. You'll never be the same.

Arie Sommer

HAHAHA!! Blazer and Sommer must have been hitting the Manashewicz when they sent this to my Brother. Whoops!! Bad heeb, no bagel.
Formerly WCOTC CT & Church of Creativity NE - Now Retired

You owe the CREATIVITY ALLIANCE a debt that you must repay.


Thats sick. That really is. They spread there filth throughout the entire media, and now they're just turning it up a notch. The blacks have BET, the spics got numerous spanish channels, the jews got this crap, but what does the white man have? It is part of our commandments to banish jewish thought and influence. Lets get to work.
Retired from Creativity to join the US Navy to fight the Mud

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