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Inequalities in Mud Society - Brazil to Introduce Affirmative Action

Started by Miss.Jane, Tue 30 Apr 2013

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QuoteTO SUM up recent research predicting a mixed-race future for humanity, biologist Stephen Stearns of Yale University turns to an already intermingled nation. In a few centuries, he says, we will all "look like Brazilians". Brazil shares with the United States a population built from European immigrants, their African slaves and the remnants of the Amerindian population they displaced. But with many more free blacks during the era of slavery, no "Jim Crow" laws or segregation after it ended in 1888 and no taboo on interracial romance, colour in Brazil became not a binary variable but a spectrum.

Even so, it still codes for health, wealth and status. Light-skinned women strut São Paulo's upmarket shopping malls in designer clothes; dark-skinned maids in uniform walk behind with the bags and babies. Black and mixed-race Brazilians earn three-fifths as much as white ones. They are twice as likely to be illiterate or in prison, and less than half as likely to go to university. They die six years younger—and the cause of death is more than twice as likely to be murder.|newe|4-29-2013|5623405|37095416|
Formerly a Reverend with the Premier Church of Creativity under Ben Klassen, PM.


An attempt to introduce affirmative action would probably mean that a lot of those who presently mis-identify as White have good reason to stop doing that in order to gain advantages on offer only to non-Whites. 

That could have an interesting impact on the statistics, and presumably there would have to be some kind of counting of how many are in which race/ethnicity to know where the affirmative action is needed and regulate it.
Formerly a Reverend with the Premier Church of Creativity under Ben Klassen, PM.


A look at the s***ty coffee coloured future snapshot from mongrel Honduras. A future the naive, the jews,  the enemies and fools work for.

the more diverse people are genetically, the more competitive, mean, nasty, ruthless, cruel, rapacious they have to be to pass their genes on. This is an unbreakable law of nature. Thats why we Creators want a White eugenic world.


I remember reading and commenting on this topic somewhere in the forum earlier. If anyone finds it and they are indeed the same topic, let me or any of the Moderators know and we'll make sure to join the topics together.

Quote from: Rev.Logic on Tue 30 Apr 2013presumably there would have to be some kind of counting of how many are in which race/ethnicity to know where the affirmative action is needed and regulate it.

Experience in Australia and watching the Americans from afar tells me that the JOG will not care what the stats tell them. It's a case of if you are White, you are privileged and are set to lose out completely, while the nigger with its hand out has an immediate and short lived win. Once a society goes down this path, that society is coming to an end. No more White "power" means no more sustained living for the mud and a mass die out of the mud populations, leaving only pocket civilisations of muds with high tech in primitive conditions controlling the reduced, uneducated, filthy masses.

Brazil, wake up or die!

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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Quote from: Rev.Cambeul.PM on Tue 30 Apr 2013Experience in Australia and watching the Americans from afar tells me that the JOG will not care what the stats tell them. It's a case of if you are White, you are privileged and are set to lose out completely, while the nigger with its hand out has an immediate and short lived win. Once a society goes down this path, that society is coming to an end. No more White "power" means no more sustained living for the mud and a mass die out of the mud populations, leaving only pocket civilisations of muds with high tech in primitive conditions controlling the reduced, uneducated, filthy masses. Brazil, wake up or die! Pontifex Cambeul.

The economy in Brazil will take a nose-dive as part of this process of giving the jobs to the darkest skinned people often in preference to lighter.  It could be that things might get so dire that it wakes them up, although such a hope is for something historically unprecedented.

A society has never suddenly improved and understood the importance of the White race, as far as I know, except that one time in Germany.  And Brazil is no Germany.  But it is theoretically possible, especially if the right person (a great leader) can get some resistance together and come to power.
Formerly a Reverend with the Premier Church of Creativity under Ben Klassen, PM.

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