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Healthful Child Rearing

Started by Rev.WillWilliams, Thu 05 Feb 2009

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There's nothing Dr. Pierce taught that's not compatible with Creativity. Since there's no section on child rearing on this board, I'll post this here under "health." Living White should be inculcated in the child with mother's milk. A lot of good advice here for how parents must take control of their lives in order to Live White in an ever darkening world.

National Alliance BULLETIN - November 1994

In the June issue I wrote briefly about the importance of proper child-raising practices in the first few years of life. In summary:

1. The two most essential character elements an adult can have are self-discipline and a strong sense of identity. Both these elements are set very early in life, or they are not set at all. Thus, the environment during the earliest years of a child's life are the most important for determining his quality as an adult.

2. Self-discipline does not develop in a child without external discipline from parents or other adults.

3. A child's sense of identity is determined to a large degree by role models, who may be either real or imaginary adults. It is extremely important for parents to structure a child's environment so that he has proper role models. If the child is permitted to find his role models in Jew-inspired television characters, he may be seriously flawed for life.

From these basic requirements we can derive some practical guidelines for parental behavior.

A child must have structure and discipline, as well as proper role models, in his earliest years. The people best able to provide these things are his parents. Unfortunately, the ability to provide them is severely limited by the life-styles most modern parents have chosen. An urban environment, with both parents employed full time outside the home while the children are in the care of strangers, is almost the worst possible arrangement.

If we look back through our history for model life-styles better suited to raising children of high quality, almost any period will do. Personally, I favor the life-style which existed in most of Western Europe during the Middle Ages – in fact, from the decline of Roman power until the Industrial Revolution. The essential thing about this period is that children were close to their parents most of the time.

If a family lived on a farm, as most did, it was an economic unit of which the children were essential parts: the whole family, down to children only three to four years old, worked together to provide their food and shelter. The same was true for most families which lived in villages or small towns. The merchant's or cobbler's or silversmith's or weaver's or baker's or candle maker's family lived above his shop, and everyone had a role in the family economy. Even the smallest child could sweep out the shop in the evening.
Another important feature of this period was the extended family. Not just two, but usually three and sometimes four generations lived under the same roof, or at least within shouting distance. Children always had guidance by related adults, even when both parents were occupied elsewhere.

One could go back thousands of years further, even to the time when we were living in caves or in huts made of mud and animal skins, and still our people had lives suited to raising strong, psychically healthy children. Comfort and security often may have been lacking, but these are not essential elements.

The Industrial Revolution had many negative effects, but one of the worst was breaking apart the long-established family structure and family economy. The workplace of one or both parents was separated from a family's living place. The parents' labor became depersonalized, and the children no longer could participate.

Even so, until the Second World War conditions were usually tolerable, except for the lowest strata of the proletariat. In America, mothers almost never were employed outside the home. Except in the largest East Coast cities, most families with children lived in single-family houses with yards around them. Although most fathers worked outside the home, they were usually only a few minutes away. Many were able to eat lunch at home. Neighborhoods and schools were White, and there was no television.

Parents today usually will argue that they have no choice in such matters. Economic necessity, they believe, requires them to live in urban areas and requires both parents to work outside the home. It may be true that not all parents can move from the cities to small towns or rural areas and either subsist on the father's income alone or support themselves with a cottage industry which allows both to be at home. The small, racially-conscious minority which puts the proper raising of children high among its priorities can do these things, however; where there is a will there is a way.

Unfortunately, most parents today, even racially conscious ones, were themselves raised under modern conditions. Consequently, many simply lack the will and self-discipline to overcome their present economic circumstances and make a new environment for themselves which is better suited to raising children. Many mothers and fathers are themselves so strongly addicted to television that they do not have the will to ban it from their homes. Many have become so accustomed to spending money on all sorts of unnecessary things that they are unwilling to cut expenses and live on the father's income alone.

Certainly, a revolution followed by a forceful restructuring of the economic life of our people will be needed to bring back healthy child-raising conditions for most of our people. Prior to that, however, Alliance members who are parents or who anticipate becoming parents can do much to accomplish this for themselves.

I'll write more on this subject in a later BULLETIN.

-William L. Pierce
Former Hasta Primus for P.M. Ben Klassen with the Church of the Creator at North Carolina, and later the right-hand man for Dr William Pierce with the National Alliance. Currently the Chairman of the National Alliance.


I would hope that no brand new parent takes Dr Pierces message on parenting as total gospel 100%.Knowing some of his own personal history would,to me, leave some doubt as to his expertise in this particular field.I won't waste time with the above further,as it's ancient history now.

Suffice to say Dr Pierce is correct-fundamentally,as discipline does in fact play a very important part in child development and rearing,BUT Dr Pierce's idea come from a slightly different prospective and time than todays parents are facing in the 21st century.

Children will often tend to over react to too much discipline or authority and sometimes become even more difficult when defiance and nonconformist ideas become their preference to good behavior.Essentially a good parent needs the wisdom to know or learn just how far is far enough to press OUR ideas of white survival,without creating a chasm between the parent and the child.
Dr Pierce was an academic and thought in the manner  as an academic,as thinker of theories; and inventor of ideas and processes,but real parenting requires grass roots ,hands on experience that results in successes that can be duplicated.

Remedy for the Nigger Problem


Quote from: DRAKE1 on Sun 21 Jun 2009
I would hope that no brand new parent takes Dr Pierces message on parenting as total gospel 100%.Knowing some of his own personal history would,to me, leave some doubt as to his expertise in this particular field.I won't waste time with the above further,as it's ancient history now.

Suffice to say Dr Pierce is correct-fundamentally,as discipline does in fact play a very important part in child development and rearing,BUT Dr Pierce's idea come from a slightly different prospective and time than todays parents are facing in the 21st century.

Children will often tend to over react to too much discipline or authority and sometimes become even more difficult when defiance and nonconformist ideas become their preference to good behavior.Essentially a good parent needs the wisdom to know or learn just how far is far enough to press OUR ideas of white survival,without creating a chasm between the parent and the child.
Dr Pierce was an academic and thought in the manner  as an academic,as thinker of theories; and inventor of ideas and processes,but real parenting requires grass roots ,hands on experience that results in successes that can be duplicated.

I'm not sure what you mean by Dr. Pierce's personal history. He had twin boys by his first wife who turned out well. I met one of them at his father's memorial ceremony. Neither of his sons followed in Dr. Pierce's footsteps, but nor did Kim, Ben Klassen's only child, follow in his. She is Mormon. Dr. Pierce would be the first to tell you he wasn't a good father, basically abandoning his boys and their mother  early on, going to work with Commander Rockwell full time, and from then on absolutely marrying himself to Our Cause. He gave us good advice. I interacted with Dr. Pierce's last three wives, all were European imports, all married after he had voluntarily neutered himself, and they all saw Our Cause as the "Jealous Mistress," if you know what I mean.
Former Hasta Primus for P.M. Ben Klassen with the Church of the Creator at North Carolina, and later the right-hand man for Dr William Pierce with the National Alliance. Currently the Chairman of the National Alliance.


Quote from: White Will on Sat 25 Jul 2009
I interacted with Dr. Pierce's last three wives, ... and they all saw Our Cause as the "Jealous Mistress," if you know what I mean.

Without going into any detail, I know what you mean.

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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Noli Nothis Permittere Le Terere
The only way to prevent 1984 is 2323
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"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain.

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