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Gypsies vs the White race

Started by Br.Rebel, Sat 01 Jun 2019

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I am just going to say what is happening day by day in one of most product economic place in my state.

Recently Whites who are mostly Nordic protested against the Gypsies because they want normal life (a Brighter and Whiter World). Well with same reason muds are making many attacks against Whites (the rising tide of color against White world supremacy).

It is really critical place because state have most product for them and then she want to save population with redistribution of capital which will result in more Gypsies.

Gypsies practise their own form of Racial Loyalty. They do not look through eye of snake as does the White man. They are fighting with all means for their race and the government has not been able to solve this problem through years. Of course that will organized non-white group crush our neighbours just because they do not follow Credo2 from the White Man's Bible. (See Link at the bottom of this page.)

I also work with a person who is Gypsy and I see that she look enemy in my "White Privilege" as Christian lower class who started to cooperate with muds and mixed themselves with them.  It is unbelievable how are White military, police, courts ineffective in solving such problems even if they have all means for that.

What will be happen when muds are one day given weapons? Well,they will show to us no mercy for our White Rights. They will establish their order and crush our culture.

The CREATOR SOLUTION for that is not to kill or enslave them. It is SEPARATION (who exist but not official) AND DEPORTATION at our cost, defend our territory and allow them to care for themselves as they want in their own Gypsy territory.
I am still learning English. Please forgive any errors you may see.


There is a reason Hitler hated Gypsies!
I have lived in Slovakia before, know what you are on about!
They are filthy, degenerate bludgers who are professional breeders!

They sleep with family members to deliberately make spastics to get extra benefits for having special needs kids!

Rummaging through rubbish to find scrap metal to flog.

The government told them that they'd just pay for two kids and the Gypsies teamed up and smashed schools up and destroyed crops in protest. They also went to Finland and Belgium to claim asylum as they were discriminated against racially in SR.

I say we put them in a Colosseum with Abos for entertainment and the winners get to go to Antarctica to ride exercise bikes all day that generate green energy to help pensioners get cheap power!

The losers of Colosseum fights get to go to the fertiliser factory earlier!
The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
Click to see map of Australia

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