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Cryptocurrency Extinction?

Started by Rob82, Tue 03 Jan 2023

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I have never used cryptocurrency, thus I am no authority concerning the subject. I just thought these articles interesting. However, this drama coming from a Jew, I'm not taking it seriously.


RT News (Russia Today)
3 Jan, 2023 13:22
Home/Business News

Peter Schiff Jew warns of 'crypto extinction'

The dire prediction comes amid a broad slide in digital coins

There is no value in cryptocurrencies and investors should sell their digital assets before they become worthless, prominent crypto-sceptic Peter Schiff has suggested.

As economists sound the alarm over a so-called "crypto winter" amid the massive drop in the value of digital coins after the collapse of the FTX exchange, Schiff insists that this is not an accurate term to describe the situation.

"This is not a #crypto winter. That implies spring is coming. This is also not a crypto ice age, as even that came to an end after a couple of million years," the CEO and chief global strategist at Euro Pacific Capital wrote on Twitter. "This is crypto extinction."

The veteran stockbroker and gold enthusiast also mentioned that bullion "will rise again to lead a new breed of asset-backed cryptos."

Schiff has frequently been critical of cryptocurrencies, maintaining that Bitcoin is a massive speculative bubble that will implode, and people who are buying it now will be left with a worthless asset. In February, he warned that the top cryptocurrencies could lose all of their value before the end of the year.

When Bitcoin hit $50,000 per token in 2021, Schiff said that "while a temporary move up to $100K is possible, a permanent move down to zero is inevitable."

Bitcoin has sunk around 75% since reaching its all-time high of nearly $69,000 in November 2021, while more than $2 trillion has been wiped off the value of the entire cryptocurrency market. The collapse of FTX, one of the world's largest cryptocurrency exchanges last month, continues to send ripples across the industry. On Friday, Bitcoin was trading at $16,719 per coin.

Related Article:
WFFW 23/23 R!


I know a bit about crypto. I keep something like a dollar in each of my two crypto currencies, Bitcoin and US Dollar. They are both very stable, but nothing is worth investing in.

How Do I Use Crypto? I'm used to not trusting PayPal - who banned me - so I'm used to not trusting any of these bastards. For me crypto is just for transfers. Send me a donation through crypto and I will immediately bank it in a special account separate from my own personal banking. Transfers are the only purpose for which I recommend using crypto. My crypto details are on my profile.

Investing in Crypto? If you are poor, it's not worth the risk gambling your money buying crypto stocks. You have more chance of losing than gaining. Remember that Ben Klassen advised against becoming involved in stock market gambling? Investing in crypto is the same thing.

In the current crypto crash, I did not lose a penny. If the crypto company I use crashes - a US/Australian company - then I lose $2 at most.

The Future: Every major globalist government intends to force us into their personal crypto currency. And then there are those that invest in gold looking to shut down crypto. In short, there is a financial war going on between the various free-range crypto currencies, govt crypto currencies, govt cash currencies and the gold investors.

In short, crypto will be around for decades to come - but, just like those coins jingling in your pocket today, it will be under government control, and free-range crypto will be a thing of the past.

Recommendations: Get the two that I have, Bitcoin and US Dollar, and just use them for money transfers. It's safer, more secure and cheaper than any older methods of money transfer.

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Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

Crypto Coin Details in Forum Profile

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