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Creativity vs Christinsanity

Started by Br.Axelsson, Wed 09 Dec 2009

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While promoting Creativity on my yt channel or on a personal basis,i am finding both friend and foe seem to be using Christianity,in their arguments/discussions with me a lot of late.I have no problem expressing my distaste for all religion other than Creativity and my reasons for it to our enemys...but to our White brothers and sisters who belive in that suicidal religion and also have White Pride, i find it difficult to tell them that there is no santa.
I do not want to disrespect any of our WP brothers with Christian beliefs,but at the same time i refuse to bend on my belief and that of Creativity that worshiping spooks in the sky is nothing more than jewish fairy tales used to destroy the White race! I have decided that i will not be silenced......sometimes the truth hurts!


Wait until the WP Christinsane start calling you a follower of Moloch, Baal and Satan, and accuse you of doing the work of the Jews for them. As preposterous as all of those accusations are, even the most moderate Christinsane will refuse to deny the accusations because like any non-White with preferences for his own kind (right or wrong), so follow the flock of the Christinsane.

That Brother, is when you have them on the run, because they no longer find you entertaining or debatable. Instead, they find you a threat, and that means you are succeeding in getting the message out.

At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain.


This is what makes it tough work for us Creators. The Christinsanity lie has beeen the worst for the white race, in that people under its delusion are sometimes VERY unwilling to come out from it. If they do, the idea of a supernatural "god" is often still there. I was stuck in that muck for several years. What drove me to Creativity was a love of my own race, open mindedness, and a disillusionment with other religions.
Retired from Creativity to join the US Navy to fight the Mud

StephenMasten (Prison)

Start learning to ask the right questions.  I have come up with more than a few of my own, but for many of you, use the questions in Creative Credo number 56.

Also, I cannot stress this enough, read, read, and re-read Nature's Eternal Religion and the White Man's Bible.  Teach yourself the main arguments and points of Creativity so that they becomes second nature for you.

There was a reason that Klassen stated and restated many of the same points over and over again.  Learn them!

Stephen Masten has breached his Ministerial Oath.
Therefore, he has been expelled from Creativity in Bad Standing.
All support & protection within prison has been lifted.


Christians really give me the creeps.  As Ben Klassen said, they have had a hot knife through their brains.  I always regard them as unstable.
Formerly a Reverend with the Premier Church of Creativity under Ben Klassen, PM.

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Church of the Creator: Founded by Ben Klassen - Year Zero (1973CE)
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