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Creativity Spirituality

Started by Rev.Christopher, Sun 18 Oct 2009

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I have heard of leaders in the White racialist movement like Lincoln Rockwell having "spiritual experiences" regarding the white race. Has anybody here had an experience like this?
Retired from Creativity to join the US Navy to fight the Mud


Dreams are often referred to as spiritual experiences but a dream is just what's on your mind at the time, whether it's something buried in the subconscious or something you are thinking about prior to sleep, it's just a dream.

However, here's a dream you may like to call a spiritual experience ...

Reverend Billy (Reverend Doctor Thomas William Jackley) once had a dream that PME Klassen came to him in his sleep and told him to build a new Creator organisation. Reverend Billy told me that PME Klassen said to him in the dream that he should use me to do all the work.

Call it a dream or a spiritual experience, but ... here we are today.

At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain.


Speaking of spirituality, this is a topic that should be discussed by Creators. Creativity is a religion that doesn't advocate belief in a supernatural being and rejects any form of superstitious thought, this doesn't mean Creators cannot involve themselves in or experience any form of spirituality.

During a fast for example, participating in meditation or repeating a mantra or phrase can be enormously beneficial. Meditation can be just sitting in a relaxed setting while listening to music, blocking all outside disturbances. A mantra could be anything from "before I achieve, I must believe" to "the White race is Nature's finest."

As Klassen would say, a sound mind in a sound body, science has proven that the mind is much more than just a machine - it has a much deeper, subconscious side that we also need to train and look after. By involving ourselves in forms of mental therapy, we can relieve stress, become more focused and be overall, better activists and better people. Spirituality does not have to mean bending down to a Jewish "god," it simply means concentrating on our own existence and consciousness.


Ha ha! Ben Klassen did discuss this. I remember he said a spiritual experience is like being enamoured of quantity "X". They don't know what it is and can't explain it so they jsut say it is god or spiritual.
Anyone can feel enamoured over anything. I've felt very "spirtual" at sunsets or at ancient pre-historic places or being in love or listening certain songs. But it isn't anything to do with spirituality - a fictitious concept at best. Its just being in awe of Nature or being impressed with the magnitude of space and time.. or being high on fresh air, hormones and love. In other words .. just being happy and glad to be alive.
Formerly with the Premier Church of Creativity under Ben Klassen, PM.


The Awakening!!!.......that instant white hot mind explosion, that blinding white light of understanding, that floods your mind after reading N.E.R. When your intellect and your brain finally come together to realize the truth, that you have never really understood why the world just wasn't working right..........and now you do!.........this is true spiritualism, the freeing of the mind from jewish propaganda, and the awakening of true thought and reason, through the prism of Racial thinking and consciousness.
Died November 2010

Church of Creativity Queensland - Australia
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