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Conversation between a White (Swede) and a jew

Started by Sinn, Sun 29 Aug 2010

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Just thought I would share some dialogue of a conversation that was had between a european fellow (swede) after he asked a jewish guy online why he hates white people...I obviously cant say if its accurate/authentic but its interesting in a way...What do you think?

QuoteRe: White Population
You have a good point.

If America falls Isreal will die? Yes if it happend in the year 2000. BUT NOT NOW. Because now we are ready for that.
We have Japan. Japan will pay us money after USA falls apart. Japan will be our new bitch. We have already moved most of our businesses to China.
So now we are ready for the destruction of USA and the white race!
As of Islam taking over Europe. The Muslims will become Atheist in the end. We will see to that with our media!
The Muslims will also lose WW3. So they are no threat to us.

You feel sorry now for destroying our Temple? When The Romans destroyed our Temple they had with them soldiers from Gaul, Thraicia, Southern Germany, North Africa and many other places. We were attack by the white race. We said that day that we had GOD on our side and we were superior to you, and destroying our Temple will destroy you! YOU DID NOT LISTEN!

I wana ask you something, why is it that you whites never rise up and fight us? Knowing what we are doing. Why are you not making bombs at home and attacking your politicians? You whites are about 750 million in Europe, and you do nothing to us? Imagen if we Jews were 100 million. We whouled run this planet easy! We whouled be a living God race. So why is it that you dont fight back?
Dont start talking about the Nazis, we Jews created them. We were runing Zioninsm in Nazi Germany. We moved all the poor Jews into camps where we put them on to trains and then ships to Palestina. So dont name the Nazis as an exemple. So why is it that your fagrace does not fight back?
Please answer me. My personal answer is that the White race is a race of idiots. Just because some whites invented something does not make all whites smart.
[5:41:21 PM] Mattias: -''...what are you going to do next when the Japaneses and China is destroyed?''

We will not destroy China. We do not have the power to do that. They are a safe place for us to go to. Kind of like a neutral zone. Destoying China is like killing every human being in Africa and the middle-east. No way we can do that, lets be real.
As for Japan we will destroy them using multiculturalism. Their borders will be opened. But when that happens we will already have a one world government that finances the state of Israel, witch by then will be the ruler of the world!

-''...why are you hating Muslims and why are they hating you, really?''

Hehe, Israel is our land. Nowhere in the Quran does it say that the Muslims follow YHWH the God of Israel. YHWH is nowhere to be found in the Quran. We hate the Muslims because they want our country. And they hate us because they are idiots who dont know YHWH. Honestly, Muslims hate everyone who isnt a Muslim so that doesnt matter. Muslims hate Hindus, Christians, Baha'i Faith and so on. Actualy we Jews have no problem with the Baha'i Fait or the Hindus. That shows we dont hate evryone like Muslims do.

-''Now even if you are still mad of what some people from some countrys did long time ago, why are you punnishing Scandinavia? they haven't done anything to you?''

Well you we look at all of you as the White Race. The White Race attacked us back in the day and destroyd out Temple!

-''and what do you think about Jesus?
wasen't he a Etnic Jew?''

Jesus was not a Jew. And he was not a ethnic Jew. He was from Galilee. Galilee was founded be the Romans with people from Gaul(France). He was European. It even sais in your Bible that he had white hair. He may have looked like this guy:
Also he spoke aramaic not hebrew! He was not a ethnic Jew or a religious Jew. He believe he was God and that he was the New Temple in human form.
Well some Jew lied to you stupid goyim about him being a Jew. But thats only so you dont look down on us or hate us.

-''and once again, what have the Japaneses and Chines people done to you Jews?''

We are Just using them. We dont want Japan to rise because they may become a threat. Chinese people want to be very peacefull they really dont want more war and they have agreed on the one world government plan witch is no threat to their huge population. We must destroy Japan because they may become a threat to our one world government plan.

-''why do you hate civilisations that haven't done ANYTHING to you?''

We dont. We are just destroying you whites. We are not even destroying the Japanese, we Just want the Japanese nation destroyed and their state! A minority of Japanese is ok. But no whites. You destoyd the Temple, you feel sorry now?
You white barbarians were going to ERASE us Jews from history! The Romans hated our God. You whites now want us to show you the mercy that you did NOT SHOW US?? WTF!!

Anyway Sweden will be gone in a few years. The funny thing is you can easily change this just by making your own army of lets say 10.000 men and you whouled conquer Stockholm. How many nationalists are there in Sweden? You can do this. But the fact is you people are just to stupid to do this. So you are infact destoying your selfs. Now start blaming yourselfs not us!


We will erase the Jews from history, that is not a plan or a threat, it is a promise.

The Jews know the power they have, most try to deny it but like Marcus Eli Ravage (WMB 43) and this Jew, some will proudly admit their plans for the White race. The Jew also knows the White man's greatest weakness - our gullibility and our failure to recognise our enemies - this, as we know, the Jews have used to their advantage for over 2000 years.

It is your responsibility White man, to realise the Jews are our mortal foes and dedicate yourself to the cause of White Racial Loyalty. We've already identified and explained the problem - Book I of Nature's Eternal Religion - we have also worked out and explained the solution - Book 2 of Nature's Eternal Religion - namely, Creativity!

As for the article itself, where exactly did you find it Rev?
We can format this article and use it in the same way Ben Klassen used CREATIVE CREDO No. 43 - Confessions of a Jew in the White Man's Bible. It could be useful placing it on the Alliance website for Creators to make use of in their propagandising.

Good find. Rep point to you.



 Jews dont announce their plans for the White Race,or admit to past mis-deeds against the White Race. ::)This sounds more like a cleaver Loyalist trying to wake up White people.If it works then great
Died November 2010

Church of Creativity Queensland - Australia
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