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Br.ChrisSmith Photo

Started by ChrisSmith, Fri 28 May 2010

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Admin Edit:  The original picture was lost, so we replaced it with this one of Brother Chris with other brothers.


You're both fine physical specimens of the race. The background of your picture however, sure sends a confusing, if not contradictory message to potential Creators who view it, with the shiny little Xian cross at the bottom of the display up top, and JOG's colors and all those Yankee generals in the picture underneath that, mixed in among the CSA symbology.

Is that John Wayne at the bottom left? He was a hero of mine, too, until I grew up and learned what a stooge he was for Hollywood Jews, and a drunk, and that he'd married a Mexican, or some non-White like that.  In June of 1969 when I was at jump school at Ft. Benning, GA, and he was there filming the movie The Green Berets, I tracked him down to the Martinique Motel where he was staying in Columbus and got him to autograph the inside of my green beret with a black marker. What would that souvenir be worth today to a movie buff had I been smart enough to preserve it?  :-\

I'm not much of a John Wayne fan anymore. I liked his "western" movie The Searchers where his character was brutally racist toward the savages. His anti-hero character in that movie is not unlike the rare White racial loyalist of today who, seemingly alone, fights the "progress" of a modern miscegenationistic global plantation.

We need to make our own movies... 

I'd take the black strips off you Creators' eyes in this picture and put them over everything that is not representative of Creativity. I would gently advise you to not style yourselves as Skinhead Creators while promoting CA. That's been a harmful, stereotypical image of a Creator that the Creativity Alliance is attempting to rise above. We've learned that image is attractive for the most part only to other Skinheads, which is a tiny subset of our race -- especially non-Xian Skins. CA should be there for young Skins to graduate to when they come of age, but CA should not accommodate itself to them; they should accommodate themselves to Creativity.

The first time I met Ben Klassen in early 1988 I was wearing a Confederate flag belt buckle that someone had recently given me. One of the first things out of his mouth was, "Why are you wearing that symbol of a loser?" Being a proud, unreconstructed reb, I'd never thought of the battle flag like that before. He said the same about the Xian crucifix as a loser's symbol.

All that rambling aside, I know that Mr. Klassen would be so proud, 17 years after his death, to see clean-cut young men sporting the sacred W symbol of the religion he founded for them.
Former Hasta Primus for P.M. Ben Klassen with the Church of the Creator at North Carolina, and later the right-hand man for Dr William Pierce with the National Alliance. Currently the Chairman of the National Alliance.


Quote from: Rev White Will on Tue 20 Jul 2010The background of your picture however, sure sends a confusing, if not contradictory message to potential Creators who view it, with the shiny little Xian cross at the bottom of the display up top

A mixture of Australian army corps and rank badges. The cross is worn by army chaplains. Definitely something I would have thrown away in disgust rather than add to a collection, but not everyone has my dislike of everything overtly Christinsane - or for that matter my particular knowledge and loathing of army chaplains.

Quote from: Rev White Will on Tue 20 Jul 2010The first time I met Ben Klassen in early 1988 I was wearing a Confederate flag belt buckle that someone had recently given me. One of the first things out of his mouth was, "Why are you wearing that symbol of a loser?" Being a proud, unreconstructed reb, I'd never thought of the battle flag like that before.

Took me a while, but I feel the same now about the swastika.

Quote from: Rev White Will on Tue 20 Jul 2010In June of 1969 when I was at jump school at Ft. Benning, GA, and he was there filming the movie The Green Berets, I tracked him down to the Martinique Motel where he was staying in Columbus and got him to autograph the inside of my green beret with a black marker. What would that souvenir be worth today to a movie buff had I been smart enough to preserve it?  

I'm not much of a John Wayne fan anymore. I liked his "western" movie The Searchers where his character was brutally racist toward the savages.

I was an avid John Wayne fan as a kid - and I do mean kid as I was under ten years old - but I grew up and learned that actors are just that: actors (except for Audi Murphy I suppose). Yet The Green Berets and the Searchers remain two of my favourite movies. Unfortunately the first is no longer broadcast on Australian TV and the second has been edited so heavily for the multiCULTi that it has been rendered unwatchable. I guess I'll have to pirate the DVD's.

BTW Chris (Br.C.Smith) on the left is not a member of The Alliance. He is an Official Supporter. As a member of another org or gang, he is not permitted to be a member of The Alliance.

And one more thing, a flying jacket with short or no hair does not make one a skinhead. The flying jacket is an article of industrial clothing that has been co-opted by skins but it does not belong to them. My first - issued to me in the army - was green and worn ragged. My second - issued by the Brisbane City Council - was blue and thrown out (I didn't want to look like a copper). My third and fourth were and are black. The only people that think I'm a skinhead are reds (who avoid me), Abos (who want to fight ... anyone White) and skinheads themselves. The rest of the world commonly think I'm a security guard or a maintenance worker at Westfield Shopping Centre (which ironically is owned by one of the richest kikes in Australia and America).

Pontifex Cambeul.

Edit: The Creativity Alliance patch that Chris is wearing is for members only. Not being a member of The Alliance, Chris was required to remove his. The last thing we need are gang members out bashing Whites for not being part of their gang and us being blamed for it.
At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain.


I, too, am a skinhead and have been since I was about 15. However, I owe no allegiance to skinhead crews, my first loyalty is to my Race and the Creativity Alliance. All the CA asks of skinheads is that if they decide to be part of the Alliance, they give their commitment to the Alliance and not allow other interests to get in the way.


skinhead, or long hair.who cares?......trivial and unimportant......the creed and its faithful are all that matters.
Died November 2010

Church of Creativity Queensland - Australia
Formerly the World Church of the Creator

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Creator Origins
Church of the Creator: Founded by Ben Klassen - Year Zero (1973CE)
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