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Ayn Rand: Destroying her notion of selfishness.....

Started by JohnHobb, Fri 13 Dec 2013

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Based on my brother's recommendation, I eagerly read Ayn Rand's The Virtue of Selfishness. I was excited to get my hands on it because the book contains the infamous chapter, Racism. But honestly, it was a very tough read. I know her supporters will argue, of course it was, and would be for anyone who has a feeble 'White's Only' mind. That's all fine and dandy, but it was obviously written by a woman who had lots of time and a handy thesaurus. I believe she grabbed international fame because too many people were too lazy to really read what was laid out. They scratched their heads and said, "Damn. Its got lots of words and a smart lady wrote it - it must be good." But read the following passage for yourself, "Today, however, when people speak of 'compromise' what they mean is not legitimate mutual concession or a trade, but precisely the betrayal of one's principles - the unilateral surrender to any groundless, irrational claim. The root of that doctrine is ethical subjectivism, which holds that a desire or a whim is an irreducible moral primary, that every man is entitled to any desire he might feel like asserting, that all desires have equal moral validity, and that the only way men can get along together is by giving in to anything and compromising with anyone. It is not hard to see who would profit and who would lose by such a doctrine". See what I mean? Grand words. Tough plowing. Its almost as bad as some politicians. Lots of words, but you're not saying anything that truly relates to people.

I'll take my criticism a step further, any group using her Racism stance to expand or rationalize their Cause has completely taken her out of context! She couldn't be more clear that in her view, white power is cheap, degrading, and for 'brutes'. Taking a quick blurb and turning it around is lazy, as Whites we're better than that. Countless people do it all the time when referencing Klassen, Hitler, Rockwell, hell even some people do it with the christian bible. Its maddening! Anyway, I thought I would find in Ayn Rand a smart, disciplined, White woman to study and learn from. Sadly, that isn't the case. Some even argue she was jewish, others maintain much like Ron Hubbard, she was merely creating a movement to line her own pockets with the All Mighty Dollar.

Moreover, time and time again she puts down Nazi Germany. Constantly using that form of government as an illustration to promote individualism over the state. Again, this is very shortsighted. The most advanced and successful government bodies were the ones who put the State above the individual. I guess her history teacher never mentioned Rome, Sparta, Napoleon's France, and the already stated Nazi Germany; all tied to strong central leadership and the people thrived and invented technology, laws, and customs that are still used to this day. And as far as her argument for modern man's need for compromise, which was quoted earlier, in my opinion that leads to self destruction. I'm proud to say, the Creativity Alliance refuses to compromise! Its principles are direct, fair, logical, and for the betterment of a whole Race. Not one individual. 

I guess its silly to get so upset over one book. But words do matter. Ideas count. Letting lies and half truths slide is what has gotten this country and Our proud Race in its current mess. These quick hits by a media with its own agenda on subjects most never really read or understood has dumbed down an already fragile population. So I'm asking that we do better. That we start setting the record straight. Everyone of us proud Whites. We must lead by example. Or surely, we'll end up 'compromised'.


Ayn Rand is a poisonous Jewess.  She was best friends with Alan Greenspan, previous head of the US Federal Reserve.  Her philosophy is all about justifying psychopathic capitalism.  Her book "Atlas Shrugged" is the 2nd best selling book in the US after the Christian Bible.  Her ideas have come to epitomise the "right wing" and serve as the very best proof that we racial socialists are emphatically NOT "right wing" and do not share the values of the Ayn Randians. 

[I am not implying that we play the game and label ourselves as "Left wing" either - although when I talk to Left Wing type people I often take the tactic of saying I think I am probably a lot more Left wing than any political party they support!]
Formerly a Reverend with the Premier Church of Creativity under Ben Klassen, PM.

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