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An Overview of the Special Military Operation in Ukraine & Our People

Started by Rev.JoelDufresne, Wed 05 Jul 2023

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An Overview of the Special Military Operation in Ukraine & Our People

By @Rev.JoelDufresne

Well first things first the west sure as hell has not done a good job training the Ukrainians, 7,500 dead and 13,500 wounded in 2 weeks and they just keep on running into the brick wall that is the Russian army and the newly minted Whirlwind Anti-Tank Guided Missile.

It's gotten to the point where the Russian media and military are actually starting to pity the Ukrainian soldiers and to quote a Russian National Guardsman Col. Khodakovsky" on the one hand, the number of losses suffered by the enemy cannot but satisfy: he is weakening. But by and large, his loss does not cause joy.... We know who is outside the situation - and we understand that there are fewer Ivanovs, Petrovs, and Sidorovs to the delight of those who do not particularly love us".

Do you know what I see?

Here we have two sides in a fratricidal conflict.

One led by a White but cranky Bolshevik trying to unite his ancestral lands and his people against the international forces of multiculturalism and anti-White hatred and the other is led by a Levantine who has been actively selling his subjects land, minerals and future to any corporation with two nickels to rub together while he sends thousands upon thousands of our best and brightest to die with little to no training in a war he started.

And guess where people who could be called our ideological cousins stand?

Do I even need to say?

The shame I feel from this is soul deep, I can't believe we are still getting used after all these years.

The so called enlightened ones streaking across Ukraine and sometimes Russia fighting to make the lands of the Eastern Slavs safe for Arab and African immigrants and New York capital.

I mean its absolutely insane, these guys sit around talking about bankers and ZOG, the Multi-Cult and our tyrannical governments but now we have these same people fighting to help ZOG's little midget stay in power so that he can destroy yet another white nation.

It disgusts me and it should all of you, its beyond a betrayal.

I wish I could sit here and blame the jew for the deaths of my people but if you look close enough its the white nationalists who commit murder and treason by following the orders and I ask myself what white nationalist would fight to make Kiev and Moscow safe for BlackRock, Goldman Sachs and every Black, Arab and Mongoloid on the planet?

The same people who support this civil war stood here in America supporting the Puerto Rican informant leader of the Proud Boys and that transvestite militia leader squawking about the fanatical Zionist Donald Trump and MAGA.

When is it good to stand with your enemies to kill your own?

I wish everyone knew the answer to that question.
Joel Dufresne #257173
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There are a few things to consider.

- Russia knows if the West helped Ukraine with setting up a Gas distribution network. Ukraine could rival them and they don't want that.

- Every country in Europe( except Serbia) gave their lands to non-Whites at the mercy of UN/EU policies. Russia supposedly is European and proud, but they have their own ZOG that stole all their assets and sold them off for themselves!

I've been to Russia. You may have a lot of people with right wing views, see some amazing sites. I couldn't live there though. The rate of pay a Museum Ticket Box Officer got was equivalent to like $120 AUD/ wk here. If you got that in Australia, you'd live in a squat, ride a push bike places, use candles and a camp fire, and your entertainment would be limited to a public library. Life is too hard there! No wonder Russia's young are overstaying in Bali and working illegally. Who wants to be drafted?

-The EU wants to have more GDP collectively to be a big economic force. They'll work on Ukraine to include them and cut Russia down to size now as Russia constantly threatens the EU. It's like a guy that wants his old girlfriend back because now she is with another bloke.

Western Ukrainians don't wanna be a part of Russia anymore. It's not cool that the West push a multicultural and pro-gay community, but it seems they'd rather be in EU than Russia again? They would get a lot of financial help from EU that Russia wouldn't give.

- There is talk  that a few years ago in Sebastopol they tried making a tunnel through a mountain and found an ancient pyramid full of paranormal technology. The Russians want this from them.
The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
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Quote from: Br.IanVonTurpie on Wed 05 Jul 2023
There are a few things to consider.

- Every country in Europe( except Serbia) gave their lands to non-Whites at the mercy of UN/EU policies.

I have to confirm your words that Serbia, along with several other poor countries, is a not member of the European Union in addition to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Albania. But it doesn't matter that much anymore. The demographic picture of Serbia is catastrophic. A large number of foreign workers from colored countries come to Serbia to work under more favorable conditions than the local population. Not because they are better workers, but because they offer worse conditions to Serbs in their own country.

Crime and corruption are on the rise. Prime Minister Ana Brnabić herself, who is a lesbian, said herself that the demographic picture will be improved by importing blacks and Arabs to Serbia to improve the demographic picture. Gypsies, LGBT, drug addicts are encouraged and have a lot of support from the European Union and the establishment... The situation is getting worse. It is not as bad as, for example, in Germany and France, but I believe that Serbia will not be better in the future either.

There is a lot of Russian and Ukrainian emigration in Serbia and I can say that they don't live here badly at all. I'm mainly thinking of Russians who left Russia with some capital and started a business here.


I have never been to the Balkans but would like to go. I don't care much for Albania, Macedonia or Bosnia though.

It's a catch 22. If you join the EU there will be better economic prosperity and investments into your economy if you are a former communist state. The bigger Western states want to get out of the EU for a few reasons:- Their people don't want their money going to these states and the freedom of movement is breaking them.

I have viewed this UK show "How to get a council house"
I can totally get why Brexit happened! The Romanians just rolled up with a large family and no job and wanted a council house. They fought tooth and nail to get it but because they were at the time from an allied EU state they got a large family home in Birmingham. The man said in Romania he got £15 GBP/ day . No wonder they all flooded in and Swamped the place enough to displace their own people!

Me, as an Australian I am a Commonwealth subject. They gave me 2 years on a visa as an under 30 to do part time work there with conditions. The EU people had more right being there than me when we share the same Monarch! How insulting! The show is interesting as it shows who gets what.


Anyway there will always be Gays best we can do is not give them power and equal rights. Drug addicts well there will be that too.
Alcohol is legal and it causes alot of problems in the community but Weed isn't in so many countries that would quiet down people like Abos instead of making them aggressive. Perhaps about time to legalise weed ... but they just want to find ways to screw you financially with taxing it before legalising it.

Cheap labour, every empire is built on slavery. They need Indians not Chiefs. Problem is they get the wrong immigrants a lot of the time who'll work cheap.

I can see why over all Ukraine would rather be EU than part of Russia. The current situation is a mess! Russia is loosing , their economy is a mess. There is corruption and infighting amongst senior Govt departments.Everybody knows it's a shît show. They'd be better off co-operating with the West instead of China.

Russia may not be as multicultural as the EU states but they have Jews and also middle eastern people from former states like :- Uzbekistan etc.

They have enough land they don't need more in Ukraine.They must think NATO is going to invade? No! That is a defence pact. NATO only does excercise by it's boarders because Russia constantly threatens the EU.

They really don't have a lot to offer anybody.
The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
Click to see map of Australia

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