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A Sound Mind in a Sound Body in a Sound Society in a Sound Environment

Started by Rev.WillWilliams, Mon 30 Mar 2009

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It's a tossup as to which element is more detrimental to White Racial Progress, anti-White corporate biotech/agribusiness giants like Monsanto or their anti-White environmental watchdog groups like the Sierra Club. Creators watch them both with jaundiced eyes, knowing each is in the enemy camp by our standard: the primacy of race.

I'm on a email distribution list that stays on top of environmental issues, especially in my region. Here's a notice I received today. How both sides in this -- what Ben Klassen would call a "phony fight ruse" -- are organizing their 'Netizens to take advantage of electronic communication advances is interesting. Our techies must be on top of these available advances in grassroots organizing, and have what it takes to handle all those long-suffering kinsmen when they start coming our way.

> Planting cyber seeds
> By Jeffrey Tomich
> St. Louis Post-Dispatch
> 03/29/2009
> Earlier this month, a blogger named Brad fired a virtual salvo at Jeffrey Smith, the author of "Seeds of Deception" and one of the most vocal crusaders against genetically modified foods. In a 600-word post, Brad questioned the credibility of an online petition on Smith's website, urging the administration of President Barack Obama to require labeling of biotech foods. He called the petition "sheer political theater" and prodded the activist for purportedly being a yogic flying instructor.

> More than 30 comments followed in the next few weeks. On one level, the exchange was just another online debate about GMOs. But this one was notable because of who initiated and hosted it: Monsanto Co.

> For years, environmental and food activists have made good use of YouTube video and Facebook to skewer Monsanto in the blogosphere. Now, the biotech giant is turning the tables.

> Beside the blog, Monsanto has hired a full-time social media specialist, Kathleen Manning. It has almost 600 followers on the Web-based short messaging system Twitter, started a YouTube channel and launched a Facebook page. The company is also developing a version of its website for cell phones and Blackberries and is creating MonsantoTV.

> Nora Ganim Barnes has studied corporate use of social media at the Center for Marketing Research at the University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth, and urges companies to not let online criticism go unchallenged.  "We advise companies to listen to what's being said about them in social media and get into social media to reply," she said.
> Monsanto appears to be trying to steer discussion about critical issues to its blog so it's easier to influence the debate, Barnes said. "Now they're controlling the posts, they're answering the questions, they're directing them to different places within Monsanto and maybe another site," she said. "They've taken control of the situation."

> There are six dedicated bloggers at Monsanto. But any employee is allowed — even encouraged — to participate. A frequent contributor is Daniel Goldstein, a pediatrician who works as Monsanto's senior scientist in residence. The "official" bloggers go by their first names and are represented by personalized South Park avatars. That decision, Young said, "engendered a lot of discussion at levels above me."
Former Hasta Primus for P.M. Ben Klassen with the Church of the Creator at North Carolina, and later the right-hand man for Dr William Pierce with the National Alliance. Currently the Chairman of the National Alliance.

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