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A Brief History Of Negro Violence Against Whites The Media Is Trying To Hide

Started by G.L.R., Tue 25 Jan 2022

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A Niagara of Lies

Remember back in the 1980s somebody in Atlanta was going  around killing Black children? The Black activists of that time, for  some reason or other, said it was a White man doing it

Later, the killer turned out to be a Black man named Wayne Williams. Remember the "Beltway Sniper" in 2002? The media, the chief of police  for Washington, DC, and an FBI agent dressed up to look like the comic  book character Clark Kent, were all saying that the sniper was "a White man in a white van."

Later, it turned out that the snipers were a Black  Muslim and a Black illegal immigrant who drove around in a Chevrolet  Caprice. Remember Tawana Brawley, saying she was beat up by some White  policemen? She was so stupid that she wrote racist remarks on her own  chest upside down so that she could read them.

Remember Gail Mangum, the Black "escort" for hire, who falsely accused the Duke University men's lacrosse team of gang-raping her? And then, of course, there's Jussie Smollett.... All of these lies were massively promoted in the Jewish-run  "mainstream" media. But these incontrovertible, statistically provable  facts are never highlighted by them: In a typical year, there are fewer  than 10 White man on Black woman rapes in the United States.

In a  typical year, there are more than 10,000 Black man on White woman rapes  in the United States. In 2005, for example, 37,460 rapes of White women  by Black men were known to police.

It has been estimated that the  Black-to-White per capita rate ratio for the perpetration of interracial  rape is at least 3,000 to one. If the races were equals in behavior, that ratio would be one to one.

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok

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