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Description: cop THIS, kike! >![]() RAHOWA! Stats: Filesize: 43.48kB Height: 242 Width: 350 Keywords: firing gun pistol Posted by: Jimbo ![]()
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Forum Hang-Around Posts: 110 | Wed 06 Oct 2010 You gun obsessed types always end up in jail or avoided by women. I don't shed a tear for them either if they end up in jail since they bring Creativity into disrepute and the Religion is better off without them "gun obsessed"? uh....are you for FCKN real, champ? wtf are we supposed to use to defend our-selves, our property and our families from "the tender mercies" of rampaging niggers and mudz? harsh language? wake the FCK up to yr-self! how does owning firearms to protect kith, kin & kind "bring Creativity into dis-repute", eh?!? personally: i think the Creativity Religion would be better off without the likes of YOU! oh....BTW....most "women" these days are ZOG-bot freaks and SHOULD be avoided by any racially conscious white man!......if yr married to a non-racist white woman and every-thing is "hunky-dory"...then, quite frankly, there must be some-thing wrong with YOU! RAHOWA! [Report Comment] |
Forum Hang-Around Posts: 420 | Tue 05 Oct 2010 You gun obsessed types always end up in jail or avoided by women. I don't shed a tear for them either if they end up in jail since they bring Creativity into disrepute and the Religion is better off without them. Ben Klassen is clear that a propaganda war must be the first stage in convincing the White population of the righteousness of our cause. if you are seeking to incite violence you are in the wrong organisation. Im not denying violence may come at a distant point in the future but theres no point fighting a war you will loose. We have to get it right this time. The Confederacy failed. The third Reich failed. Imperial Germany failed. The reason the White Race is loosing now is because of its low fertility. I think you would be more successful ditching the guns, getting a woman and having some children. Since a White child consumes 20 times the resources of a nigger its the perfect way to make a whiter world as is perfectly legal. [Report Comment] |
Forum Hang-Around Posts: 110 | Sat 02 Oct 2010 Re guns; I honestly can't see any violence remotely working in this day and age. What with modern technology folks would be skulking round like Taliban avoiding drones. The whole point of the Creativity Religion is to straighten out the White mans thinking, get back to a healthy family life, demographic and white values. Ben Klassen repeatedly states there is no violence involved in this. A militant attitude yes but peaceful persuasion. Indeed one of the major obstacles creativity faces is fighting accusations of violent intent i beg to differ! violence works! it gets attention, it gets respect & it gets results! also: there's "a double standard" @ work here, it seems to me! it's "acceptable" for every shade of mud bugger to utilise "violence" (jews, niggers, gooks &c!)....but...."un-acceptable" for white people to do the same! wtf is "up" with that ?!? a well-armed white society can quickly "change gears" into "revolutionary mode"; with small arms, you can acquire bigger and better arms....mortars, rocket-launchers, artillery, tanks, helicopter gun-ships &c! a few thousand sand nogz with 60+ year old rifles and home made bombs have, basically, bankrupted the US economy and brought the entire US military to a screaming halt......what, then, could a million dedicated, white revolutionaries not achieve? most of this "high-tech" stuff like drones is only as good as the people operating/maintaining it; viz: white people....in a "full on" race war, ZOG could not count on the un-divided loyalties of such.....also: don't forget....!.....all this high-tech stuff was invented by white people! so: white people can easily find a way of "neutralising"/"circumventing" it!.......the Serbs were successfully doing this in Kosovo in the late 1990s....against a whole grab-bag of ZOG hard-ware....cruise missiles, Apache helicopter gun-ships, "smart" bombs, satellite surveillance &c! Klassen said that we should avoid violence except when ZOG "takes away"/"abrogates" the right to proslytise our religious beliefs.....by removing the First, Second, Fifth, Fourteenth Amendments &c.......and similar provisions in other white nations! in effect: that is what ZOG is now doing.....by various strategems.....as per the false "prosecution" of Matt Hale, for instance! *bottom line*.....i don't think you've adequately thought this through! [Report Comment] |
Forum Hang-Around Posts: 420 | Wed 29 Sep 2010 How come 10% of South africa is white and the feeling of the whites there is "ooh were being genocided" and yet 10% of Britain say is non white but still th whites say "ooh were being genocided". The Whites whites are being genocided because their birthrate is pathetic. While Aids is killing 1 thousand blacks a day in SAfrica but still the Whites feel under siege whne they should be breeding. Re guns; I honestly can't see any violence remotely working in this day and age. What with modern technology folks would be skulking round like Taliban avoiding drones. The whole point of the Creativity Religion is to straighten out the White mans thinking, get back to a healthy family life, demographic and white values. Ben Klassen repeatedly states there is no violence onvolved in this. A militant attitude yes but peaceful persuasion. Indeed one of the major obstacles creativity faces is fighting accusations of violent intent. [Report Comment] |
Forum Hang-Around Posts: 110 | Sat 04 Sep 2010 i make absolutely NO! apologies for the abv "pic" wtf-so-ever! if any white racialist thinks that we're gunna escape a white genocide by any other means than extreme violence than, quite frankly, they're deluded! cheers! (jimbo) [Report Comment] |
Forum Hang-Around Posts: 420 | Thu 02 Sep 2010 I actually think this should be removed as it coul be interpreted as an endorsement of violence thereby bringing Creativity into disrepute. [Report Comment] |
Forum Hang-Around Posts: 420 | Thu 02 Sep 2010 Now now ppl Creativity is about non violence and should endeavor to make sure it is seen to be so. A skillful graphic nevertheless. [Report Comment] |
Legal Notices The Church of Creativity is a Professional, Non-Violent, Progressive Pro-White Religion. We promote White Civil Rights, White Self-Determination, and White Liberation via 100% legal activism. We do not promote, tolerate nor incite illegal activity. [More ...] Creator Origins Church of the Creator: Founded by Ben Klassen - Year Zero (1973CE) Your Own Creator Forum: Continuously Online Since 25AC (1998CE) Creativity Alliance & Church of Creativity: Founded 30AC (2003CE) Links: The History of Creativity | The Creator Calendar Explained » Save the White Race - Join the Church of Creativity « 23 Words What is good for the White Race is of the Highest Virtue; What is bad for the White Race is the Ultimate Sin. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Copyright © 30 AC - AC (2003 CE - CE), Creativity Alliance. All Rights Reserved. Back to the Top |