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Non-electrical chair
Non-electrical chair
By: JefSlatts
White Genocide 1
White Genocide 1
By: Rev.Cambeul
Equal Rights for Whites
Equal Rights for Whites
By: Rev.Cambeul
Shabbos Goy Liberation Machine
Shabbos Goy Liberation Machine
By: Rev.Cambeul
Every BABY needs a MAMMA needs a PAPA .... have a look to Iggi Kelly Music
Every BABY needs a MAMMA needs a PAPA .... have a look  to Iggi Kelly Music
Steps of Islam Social Defense
Steps of Islam Social Defense
By: Grimm
Ukrainian Cultural Center, New York, NY
Ukrainian Cultural Center, New York, NY
By: BoyHowdy
Burn the Quran
Burn the Quran
By: Rev.Cambeul
Watcha Doing Rabbi?
Watcha Doing Rabbi?
By: Rev.Cambeul
Bikers Doing Good
Bikers Doing Good
By: Grimm
Jew Pushing Race Mixing For Others
Jew Pushing Race Mixing For Others
By: Grimm
For The Ones I Love
For The Ones I Love
By: Grimm
Lots Of Aborted Black Babies
Lots Of Aborted Black Babies
By: Grimm
Trick Refugees
Trick Refugees
By: Grimm
Trying To Justify Pedophilia
Trying To Justify Pedophilia
By: Grimm
White Power Hand Sign
White Power Hand Sign
By: Grimm
By: Rev.Cambeul
Battle Ready Bulldog
Battle Ready Bulldog
By: JefSlatts
Best Daddy in the Whole White World
Best Daddy in the Whole White World
By: Rev.Cambeul
Kill Marxists
Kill Marxists
By: Rev.Cambeul
I Love Being White
I Love Being White
By: Guest
Melbourne: Jan 2017 Muslim Car Attack
Melbourne: Jan 2017 Muslim Car Attack
By: Rev.Cambeul
White Pride is Racist
White Pride is Racist
By: Rev.Cambeul
White Vengeance: Black Boy Picks White Boy & Loses
White Vengeance: Black Boy Picks White Boy & Loses
By: Edwin
Ellen Degeneres & Michelle Obama with the Alabama Niggers
Ellen Degeneres & Michelle Obama with the Alabama Niggers
By: Br.IanVonTurpie
Make France Great Again #MFGA
Make France Great Again #MFGA
By: Rev.Cambeul
Bataclan: The Media & Government Lied to Us
Bataclan: The Media & Government Lied to Us
By: Rev.Cambeul
SS Marching Runes (Animated)
SS Marching Runes (Animated)
By: Axelsson
Nigger Get Out
Nigger Get Out
By: Rev.Cambeul
Multiculturalism - IngSoc: Big Nig is Watching
Multiculturalism - IngSoc: Big Nig is Watching
By: Rev.Cambeul
Prof Noel Ignatiev - Jew Promotes White Genocide
Prof Noel Ignatiev - Jew Promotes White Genocide
By: Rev.Cambeul
Nova Peris F. Off 2
Nova Peris F. Off 2
By: Rev.Cambeul
Nova Peris F. Off 1
Nova Peris F. Off 1
By: Rev.Cambeul
Jewish Grim Reaper - Murdering the White Race
Jewish Grim Reaper - Murdering the White Race
By: Guest
Only White People Are Racist
Only White People Are Racist
By: Rev.Cambeul
Kids Adore Adolf
Kids Adore Adolf
By: Rev.Cambeul
Scotland's Islamic Overlords
Scotland's Islamic Overlords
By: Rev.Cambeul
Mohamed the Rapefugee
Mohamed the Rapefugee
By: Rev.Cambeul
Karen Gillan
Karen Gillan
By: Rev.Cambeul
Australian Muslims Protesting the ISIS Massacre in Paris
Australian Muslims Protesting the ISIS Massacre in Paris
By: Rev.Cambeul
Proud to be White
Proud to be White
By: JefSlatts
Intolerant Left
Intolerant Left
By: Rev.Cambeul
Zyklon Gas Sticker
Zyklon Gas Sticker
By: Rev.Cambeul
Spinning Lady - Left Brain vs Right
Spinning Lady - Left Brain vs Right
By: Grimm
Cartoon: Muslims Want Millions for Hate Crimes
Cartoon: Muslims Want Millions for Hate Crimes
By: W.Anthony
Australian Kid - Fuck Off We're Full
Australian Kid - Fuck Off We're Full
By: Rev.Cambeul
Nigger Kills 2 Live on US TV
Nigger Kills 2 Live on US TV
By: Rev.Cambeul
Black Killers 01
Black Killers 01
By: Rev.Cambeul
My Childhood Toy Gun
My Childhood Toy Gun
By: Rev.Cambeul
Judas Goats of Democracy
Judas Goats of Democracy
By: Rev.Cambeul

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Due to a 2003 CE decision in the US 7th Circuit Court Of Appeals, the name “Church of the Creator” is the trademarked property of a Christian entity known as TE-TA-MA Truth Foundation-Family of URI®. Use of the name “Church of the Creator” in any context is historical, and is presented for educational purposes only. The Church of Creativity makes no attempt to assume or supersede the trademark. Trademark remains with the trademark holder. [More ...]
The Church of Creativity is a Professional, Non-Violent, Progressive Pro-White Religion. We promote White Civil Rights, White Self-Determination, and White Liberation via 100% legal activism. We do not promote, tolerate nor incite illegal activity. [More ...]

Creator Origins
Church of the Creator: Founded by Ben Klassen - Year Zero (1973CE)
Your Own Creator Forum: Continuously Online Since 25AC (1998CE)
Creativity Alliance & Church of Creativity: Founded 30AC (2003CE)
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What is good for the White Race is of the Highest Virtue;
What is bad for the White Race is the Ultimate Sin.

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