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UK: Rapefugee Whose Deportation Was Prevented by Do-Gooders Rapes Little Girl

Started by Rev.Cambeul, Thu 18 Apr 2024

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Failed asylum seeker whose deportation was blocked by do-gooder cabin crew rapes 15-year-old girl

A failed asylum seeker whose deportation was blocked when do-gooder cabin crew refused to fly him home has pleaded guilty to raping a 15-year-old girl.

Thomas Godfrey | The Sun (UK) | 18 April 2023

Anicet Mayela: He's crying like a Rapefugee

Excerpt: A failed asylum seeker whose deportation from the UK was blocked when do-gooder cabin crew refused to fly him home has pleaded guilty to raping a 15-year-old girl.

Anicet Mayela, 40, who once campaigned outside a detention centre holding a sign stating, 'migrants are not criminals', could face life in jail after admitting the attack on the teenager.

He became a poster boy for anti-deportation campaigners after using human rights law to fight his return to the Republic of the Congo.

He arrived in the UK in 2004 after paying an "agent" to smuggle him out of Africa where he claimed his life was at risk.

A first attempt to deport him failed when he alleged he was injured in an isolation cell at Colnbrook Immigration Removal Centre near Heathrow Airport.

Mayela was then held at Campsfield House Detention Centre in Kidlington, Oxon, until a planned deportation flight back to Congan capital Brazzaville in May 2005.

But crew on the Air France jet prevented the plane's takeoff from Southampton and it was claimed deportation minders had taped Mayela's legs together and handcuffed him, breaking his hand. {BULLSHIT EXCUSE!}

A source close to Home Secretary James Cleverly said this week that action by people "with no knowledge" of those for who "they suddenly decide to intervene ... can have appalling consequences for others".

Mayela was also backed by the Institute of Race Relations charity.

A month later, he won leave to remain after lawyers said that deportation would be against his human rights while police were investigating the handlers for alleged assault.
At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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