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UK: Non-Whites Given Preferential Health Care Treatment

Started by Rev.Cambeul, Sun 05 Jan 2025

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This is old news, but like all anti-White news, it disappears only to return and stab the anti-White perpetrators in the back ...

One of the stories is that a British bloke rang his local NHS (National Health Service) clinic and attempted to book an appointment to see a doctor. He was told "No." There are no available appointments for him. So he hung up the phone and immediately called back putting on a Paki accent and calling himself Muhammad. He immediately received an appointment for that day.

The claim by government officials is that there is no discrimination. The system is merely set up to deal with non-English speakers first, and illegal aliens are allegedly the most unfortunate of the lot. However, the reported systemic discrimination within the NHS has nothing at all to do with immigrant status, whether legal or illegal, recent or long-term, or even first or second generation born in Britain. The discrimination is racial based on British names and a British accents over the telephone.

MSM, when reporting the story, did not get the irony when they reported that the man had been racist by adopting a Paki accent and associated name.

Britain's NHS - like a lot of government institutions - is ANTI-WHITE.


Illegal Migrants and Asylum Seekers Given 'Preferential' Access by Britain's Socialised Healthcare System: Report

Their NHS - Not Yours!

Illegal migrants and so-called asylum seekers are being prioritised over native Britons by the United Kingdom's National Health Service (NHS), a report has claimed.

NHS England has claimed that such schemes are designed to combat inequality in the healthcare industry. A spokesman said the socialised healthcare service is "legally required to provide healthcare services to asylum seekers and migrants which are free at the point of use" and has "a legal duty to address inequalities in access to NHS services."

According to the broadsheet, even asylum seekers who have had their claims rejected are still being given "preferential" treatment over many native Britons, reporting that special "walk-in services" at community day centres in South London are afforded to failed asylum seekers, while up to 15 per cent of other locals were forced to wait at least a week before seeing a doctor in November.

A spokesman for the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) told The Telegraph: "It is vital that all vulnerable members of society, including asylum seekers, are able to access the healthcare they need, and it has been a legal requirement under successive governments for local NHS commissioners to take the right steps through individual contracts to enable this.

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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