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UK: Foul-Mouthed Leftists Vastly Outnumbered At "Patriotic Alternative" Rally

Started by G.L.R., Mon 23 Jan 2023

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Mobilisation of Hull

January 16, 2023

Proof of what the majority of those just showing up, feel about the mongrelization of Britain

The planned rally in Queen Victoria Square, Hull, took place on Saturday 14th January. It was well publicised and attended by residents of Cottingham, Hull and Yorkshire. As we expected, a contingent of hard leftists came to try and oppose it. What the leftists clearly did not expect was the sheer volume of people who turned up in support of the rally, a sizeable portion of which were from Cottingham itself. Before the rally had even properly begun, the people of Hull could see exactly who their enemy was. There was a fantastic attendance of patriots on the day, with approximately 250 members of the public turning up to show their opposition to plans to house migrants up and down the country in university accommodation, military accommodation and hotels at the taxpayers' expense.

Hosted by PA Deputy Leader Laura Towler, we had four speakers on the day. First was PA Yorkshire Regional Organiser Sam Melia, who spoke about the other successes that Patriotic Alternative has had in confronting the issue of migrant hotels, and spoke about the need to campaign against this issue on a national scale. All of the speeches were incredibly well-received by the crowd, and met with silence by the left, who, incidentally, lamented afterwards at how unfair it was that such a huge number of people turned up.

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok

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