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The 21st Century Erasure Of History: Ukraine Regime Like U.S. Removes Artifacts

Started by G.L.R., Fri 30 Dec 2022

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The Ukrainian Regime can be compared to the Taliban, both are carrying out iconoclasm

December 29, 2022

"These are the tactics of the deep-state, the US and its vassal states in  the Western countries, to sponsor terrorists and let them destroy the  country they want to invade".

In 2001, the US, together with its European allies/NATO, waged the  "War on Terror" after two planes deliberately crashed into the Twin  Towers in New York, causing many deaths and injuries. Many years later  and many investigations later, it is actually clear that it was probably  a false flag...   It  is also now clear that Osama Bin Laden was a product of the US, trained  and armed to defeat the then Russians. Many relatives of Osama Bin Laden  live, until today, a lavish lifestyle in the US and Lebanon. The  Taliban's destruction of the Bamiyan Buddha statues in early 2001 in  Afghanistan shocked the world, Why is the world silent when Ukraine actually does exactly the same, like removing the statue of Catherine  the Great in Odessa (in the middle of the photo)...

The destruction of religious images that occurred in Europe in the 16th century... Catholic art and many forms of church  fittings and decoration were destroyed in unofficial or mob actions by Calvinist crowds Protestants

But didn't we think we had left these medieval conditions behind us? Not so, there are still people like the Ukrainian regime who have not evolved further than the Middle Ages!  Many statues have been removed, destroyed or removed. What exactly  happened to the statue of Catherine the Great in Odessa, a Tsarina of  GERMAN descent, is not clear. According to reports "she" is being sent  to a museum, other reports from the Ukrainian side say "she" is being  destroyed, the future will bear fruit.  But this destruction of images that have anything to do with Russia's  culture or common past is much worse than in 2001 or the Middle Ages.  Not only Ukraine lowers itself to this crime, but countries like Latvia,  Lithuania, Estonia, Czech republic, Slovakia, Romania and Poland are  doing exactly the same.

'We did it' - we replaced American citizens. And the world follows the far-left Biden Regime also, with the removal of it's own Civil War history

The so-called "democratic" and civilized Northern and Western  European countries keep their mouths shut, but yes, they are busy with  their own "Great Reset"...not for progress and real democracy...  and understand that the American empire also wants to  destroy Europe, its culture and people!

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok


Perhaps Russia got wind of paranormal Aincient tech found in a recently discovered Ukraine mountain?

Or is it all about Oil/ Gas and Geopolitics?
The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
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