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Russia Won't Withdraw Missiles From Kaliningrad Cause It's Part Of Russia

Started by G.L.R., Wed 19 Jan 2022

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Russia won't withdraw missiles from Kaliningrad – Kremlin

18 Jan, 2022

Moscow has stressed that it can do as it wishes on its own soil

  Russia  will never consider discussing the withdrawal of missiles from its  Kaliningrad region, a western exclave that borders Poland... Peskov was asked about the status of talks on European security  between Russia, the US, and NATO, and whether Moscow would consider  pulling Iskander missiles, a short-range ballistic system, out of  Kaliningrad as part of an effort to reduce tensions. "Russia will never discuss with anyone withdrawal of any missiles and any weapons from Kaliningrad because Kaliningrad is a territory of Russia,"  "And with all due respect, we will never tolerate any demands for us to do this or that on our own territory."... In addition to removing missiles from Kaliningrad, the  proposals included withdrawing forces from neighboring countries,  returning Crimea to Ukraine, and halting support for separatist forces  in Ukraine's eastern regions...

Seems this is the same type of 'diplomacy' the west used on Iran

Peskov's interview comes after security talks held last week between Russia, the US, and NATO, during which the sides discussed ongoing tensions over Ukraine.  Meanwhile, American  intelligence services have been warning for months that they fear an  imminent Russian invasion of its neighbor, which the Kremlin has  dismissed as misinformation... Peskov maintained that there are no Russian soldiers  fighting in Ukraine, but that there are troops stationed inside Russia  near the two countries' border. He said that it would be "madness" for any side to threaten military action, but insisted that Russia must be ready to "take counteractions" if Western powers don't heed its concerns.

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok

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