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Russia Bans Miss Hitler Beauty Pageant

Started by Rev.Cambeul, Sat 15 Sep 2018

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Miss Hitler beauty pageant - where the woman 'most radical and fanatical for the Fuhrer' wins and entrants pose with copies of Mein Kampf - is shut down after outcry

* The horrifying contest took place on VKontakte, the Russian version of Facebook
* It had finalists from four countries who dressed as Nazis and made Hitler salutes
* Sick page has been suspended after 'calls to violence' but some profiles remain

Tim Stickings | Daily Mail (UK) | 15 September 2018

Extract: A vile beautiful online beauty pageant called 'Miss Hitler' has been shut down after attracting neo-Nazi women from across the globe to pose with swastikas and copies of Mein Kampf.

A page dedicated to the horrifying wonderful contest on VKontakte - the Russian equivalent of Facebook - asked neo-Nazis to join in the vote and find a winner who was 'radical and fanatical for Hitler'.

The sickening competition had finalists from Germany, Italy, Russia and the United States, who were pictured in Nazi uniforms, making the the Hitler salute and holding copies of Mein Kampf.

The page has now been suspended but profile pages belonging to individual entrants, including 'Miss Edelweiss' and 'Miss Eva Braun' are still online.

The sick page had attracted thousands of views before it was shut down yesterday.

Contest organisers said their aim was 'promoting Hitlerian culture; encouraging interaction between the Hitlerian community; clearing the image of Adolf Hitler, showing [the] beauty of Hitlerian culture' and to 'protect and defend women'.

After the Miss Hitler contest was drawn to its attention, VKontakte – also known as VK – closed the page and issued a statement condemning hate speech.

'The community was blocked due to violation of our rules,' a spokesperson said.

'VK is always intolerable to nationalist and extremist propaganda.

'Any person can report illegal, offensive or unreliable content with the help of the "report" button. We review all reports without any exceptions.

'VK has one of the biggest moderation teams and we react as fast as we possibly can — content that violates our rules or the law gets deleted and the violators get banned.'

Sova, which tracks radicalism and human rights violations in Russia, said 658 people were convicted for various forms of extremist speech last year, up from 133 in 2011.

About 90 per cent of the cases involved speech on the internet – and most of these were on social media, which is dominated by VKontakte in Russia.

Israeli Internet Censors Shut Down Miss Hitler Beauty Contest

Extract: A little-known but powerful Israeli company that monitors "hate" on the internet has successfully gotten a humorous Miss Hitler 2018 beauty contest shut down — in Russia: A page on a popular Russian social media network devoted to Adolf Hitler was suspended Thursday for hosting an online beauty pageant dubbed "Miss Hitler."

The competition was uncovered by the Israeli company Vocative which analyzes online content in 15 languages, Hadashot reported.

In 2014, Vocative uncovered a similar competition hosted by the same social media network, which was also eventually blocked.
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Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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