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Russia Bans Facebook's 'Zuckerbuck', VP Kamala Harris For 'Russophobia'

Started by G.L.R., Fri 22 Apr 2022

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Russia sanctions Mark Zuckerberg, Vice President Kamala Harris, and 27 other Americans, indefinitely barring them from entering the country

Russia slapped a travel ban on Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg and 28 other prominent Americans on Thursday.

The sanctions were imposed in retaliation for Western sanctions against Russia for its invasion of Ukraine. The travel ban includes top Pentagon officials, US business leaders, and journalists, including Vice President Kamala Harris, LinkedIn CEO Ryan Roslansky, and the ABC reporter George Stephanopoulos. Russia's foreign ministry said the people would be denied entry into Russia on an "indefinite basis," according to an Insider translation of the ministry's press release. The ministry said it identified the people as responsible for shaping "the Russophobic agenda" in the US, according to a translation.

Russia supplies a large percentage of the world's fertilizers and gas, and this will hurt food production everywhere, more so than bannings

Notably, the list did not include the names of top US business leaders like Twitter CEO Parag Agrawal or Google CEO Sundar Pichai, even though Twitter and YouTube, which is owned by Google... Several of the sanctioned reporters on the list commented on the Russian travel ban on social media. Spokespeople for Meta and LinkedIn did not immediately respond to requests for comment. Russia sanctioned President Joe Biden last month and later announced a round of sanctions against 398 members of Congress. Russia previously banned Zuckerberg's platforms Facebook and Instagram and dubbed them "extremist" organizations.

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok

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