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Pope Removes Cross From Malta Event To Avoid Offending Muslims

Started by G.L.R., Sat 03 Dec 2022

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A California-based media outlet reported that Pope Francis dumped the cross to appease Muslims during his recently-concluded apostolic visit to Malta over the weekend.

...The royal pontiff has removed the cross to prevent offending illegal Muslim migrants during his two-day visit, citing the report of Church Militant. On the other hand, the Church Militant said organizers of the event in Malta have cancelled Christian symbolism from the papal podium and replaced it with plastic bottles. The media outlet cited instances in the past when the pope was criticized for his actions such as when he reportedly called President Joe Biden a good Catholic despite being a staunch pro-abortion advocate. Another instance was when the pope allegedly showed support for communism and socialism, making him earn the title of the "Red Pope." While there was also an instance the royal pontiff was reported for stating capitalism causes starvation, which doesn't sit well with Americans and those who have given billions to starving people in the world.

Can't imagine Christ speaking to the masses while surrounded by armed bodyguards

But there is a reality in Ħal Far that cannot be ignored. So if you look at the podium at a glance you will see a bright and shimmering representation of the sea--the beautiful blue Mediterranean sea," "But when you look deeper, you will see that the sea is made of recycled plastic bottles because there is more plastic than fish in our sea... The archdiocese did say that "the podium will not be adorned with a crucifix given that the majority of migrants are Muslim." Instead, the archdiocese highlighted that Pope Francis has made the defense of migrants a focal point of his papacy.

Christ apparently "offended" others who wouldn't accept him

He has constantly appealed to the European Union to be more welcoming to migrants who arrive in their territories after facing adversity. Malta, which is 85% Catholic, has been known as a place of refuge for the many who flee violence, persecution, poverty, and even climate change before journeying to Europe... The island nation set in the Mediterranean Sea is said to be where St. Paul stayed when he was shipwrecked in 60 A.D. on his way to Rome. However, ... the country is beset with political divisions because of the increasing pressure brought by migration....

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok


QuoteThe pope was criticized for his actions such as when he reportedly  called President Joe Biden a good Catholic despite being a staunch pro-abortion advocate.

Would you want to be associated with this man?

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok

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