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Austrian Leftists Against White Immigration

Started by Br.Rebel, Thu 18 Jan 2018

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I used to live in Slovakia. If you were in Kosice you couldn't even hear the guy from Bratislava being near you in the Queue if you were Slovak.
Slavs are very territorial people who don't like strangers in their areas.
You could even say Italy is like this. Sicilians aren't welcome in Milan.

This is European tribalism. There used to be a lot Of European tribalism in Australia until 1975. This stopped when non whites were allowed back in after 100 years. Whites realised we need to consolidate against the non white strangers.It started to stop in the early 1990's when many asians came.

In Finland they seem to only want to mix with their own and say mixing with another European from someplace else is frowned upon.
I said it wasn't a problem in Australia for Italians to mix with Brits. They didn't think much of that.
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Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
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I know  about european tribalism but Austalian example and USA,all colonized areas by whites shows us how is only white cooperation without tribalism perfect. I read that white flight coming in Australia and Israel. People who look on tribalism are just nationalists and not pro-white,such doubt  made me anger when I read creator books because Klassen did not want tribalism in white society. Better whites do not look about it for example you had in past one family who can rule in lands and have marriage relationships with another member of different white nation. Interesting is how are leftist now in fear of white immigrants bigger nationalsits than rightist. It would result in nationalism as in Brasil for example when whites support their flag in predominantly non-white area and celebrate mongrels who arapart of their nation. In clonized areas including Australia you see how is just race important. Better whites will have marriage with some rival nation if they see better stock and simialr person and have knowledge of more than one language. 
I am still learning English. Please forgive any errors you may see.


 A lot of things drove the European tribalism in Australia.
The Irish basicly got starved by England and victimised so they stole the Irish from Europe and made white slaves of them in their colonies.Called term criminals just for stealing some bread. They didn't like Catholics.

Later on :Italian,Greek,Hungarian,German and Yugoslav people came.
During world war 2 ,all migrants from Axis countries were detained and disliked .

There were other reasons Brits got jealous. A lot of the other Europeans worked hard to own the things they did.
Culture and food was different too and Brits were scared to try Southern European food.

Later a lot of people couldn't get jobs in Europe. Projects like Snowy mountain hydro electric system brought people in.
Australia wanted a lot of Europeans only. £10GBP was a government subsidised ticket to Australia.

I tell Europeans wanting to migrate here that and they tell me they wish their family did it back then. It is now a costly and archaic process to migrate .
The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
Click to see map of Australia

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