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Invasion Europa: A Subhuman Flood of Mud People

Started by Uncle88, Sun 21 Dec 2014

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Quote from: Eva VlaardingerbroekHere it is! The full speech I gave at #CPACHungary that the establishment is losing its absolute mind about.

I spoke the forbidden truth: The Great Replacement is no longer a theory - it's reality. White Europeans are being replaced in their own countries at an ever accelerating rate and it will mean the end of our civilization if we don't turn things around.

Interesting speech that "Great Replacement" is a reality in Europe.
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We can agree with Geert on almost everything he says, but he is a Philo-Semite. Remember that.

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The Price is Reich!

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A teenage girl was 'loaned out' by her 'lover boy' boyfriend to be sexually abused by his friends in Belgium who filmed the attack on their phones and shared images on social media, according to reports

The 14-year-old girl was abused by ten minors on up to three occasions between April 2 and April 6 over the Easter holidays, prosecutors say.

The main suspect - the girl's 14-year-old boyfriend - is alleged to have taken the girl with him to a wooded area called Kabouterbos in Kortrijk, West Flanders. The spot is popular with mountain bikers and sits close to a highway.

Once there, the boyfriend is said to have attacked his young partner before allegedly allowing several other boys to sexually assault her as well. Reports said the group filmed the attack on their smartphones and posted clips to social media.

Prosecutors arrested ten suspects aged between 11 and 16 - all reported by local outlets to be boys of 'immigrant origin' - and hauled them in for interrogation.

Since then, more details have emerged about the suspects.

Citing 'well placed sources', Belgian outlet Nieuwsblad described the boyfriend as a 'loverboy boy' type who deliberately allowed his friends to abuse his young partner

Nieuwsblad said prosecutors turned up 'reprehensible behaviour' on the part of the suspects and 'revenge-mongering facts', citing the sources close to the investigation who said the alleged perpetrators showed 'a complete lack of sense of norms'.

The girl is thought to have spent at least two days in the forest where she was raped, tormented and abused by the gang of minors. She also returned a third time, reports say, but was not raped on that occasion.

The group took turns abusing the victim, and all participated 'to a greater or lesser extent,' Nieuwsblad said in its report.

The girl is understood to have been raped by several of the boys while others filmed the attacks on their smart phones, before sharing the clips with others.

Images were also shared on social media, reportedly over Snapchat - an instant messaging app that allows users to easily share pictures and videos.

&er  &:( The fruits of this Migrant "Free-For-All"!? It's not acceptable for a Belgian citizen of any background to be treated this way.
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The Price is Reich!

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