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Germany: "Nazi Grandma" Loses Appeal in Case Over "Holocaust Denial"

Started by Sturmkrieger, Wed 08 Aug 2018

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Funny how an event is obviously so undeniably true that you can be sent to jail if you even question it. Question the Holodomor? Fine. Question the murder of the White French colonists in Haiti in 1804? Totally fine. Question the number of Jews who died in German internment camps in WWII? That's jail time.

Notorious Holocaust denier Ursula Haverbeck will remain in prison after Germany's Constitutional Court rejected her appeal on Friday.

Haverbeck, dubbed the "Nazi Grandma" by German media, is currently serving a two-year prison sentence in the city of Bielefeld after a regional court found her guilty of eight counts of incitement in May.

Germany's highest court reaffirmed on Friday that Holocaust denial is not covered under the constitutional right to free speech.

"The plaintiff's remarks fall largely outside the protective scope of freedom of opinion," the court wrote in a statement.

Holocaust denial 'disturbs public peace'

Haverbeck has been convicted several times in various German courts for denying the Holocaust, in which 6 million Jews were systematically murdered by the Nazi regime between 1941 and 1945.

She's repeatedly claimed that Auschwitz was "not historically proven" to be a death camp, claiming it was a labor camp instead. An estimated 1.1 million people were murdered at the camp in Nazi-occupied Poland; 90 percent of the victims were Jewish.

The court ruled that knowingly spreading falsehoods "cannot contribute to forming opinions" and therefore isn't included in the freedom of opinion. They also ruled that denying the Holocaust constitutes "disturbing the public peace."

Haverbeck has also been named as the leading candidate for the far-right Die Rechte party for the 2019 European Parliament election. Hundreds of demonstrators with Die Rechte protested for her release in May.

Downplaying Holocaust sometimes allowed

In a separate case on Friday, the Constitutional Court ruled in favor of a man who challenged a fine he was given for incitement over his remarks about the Holocaust.

The court ruled that a conviction for downplaying or trivializing the Holocaust is only legally valid if it can be proven that the statements posed a danger to public peace.

If public peace is not threatened, then a democracy must also be able to withstand "disturbing opinions," the court said.

The man in the case had been fined €3,000 ($3,479) in state court for comments posted online that both denied and downplayed the role of the German army in the Holocaust.
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Reverend Peter Sturm
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A German politician who posed in her kitchen in front of Adolf Hitler-themed wine bottles has been allowed to stay in her party

Jessica Biessmann, a party member serving in Berlin's state parliament, came under fire after pictures emerged of her draped across a kitchen worktop in front of the controversial bottles.   

German news agency dpa reported Wednesday that a chapter of the far-right AfD party had started proceedings to force Biessmann out
But a party hearing at the weekend decided to limit disciplinary measures against her to a formal warning.

The bottles appeared in photos from social media posts that Biessmann says are a decade old.

Ms Biessmann said the photographs were taken ten years ago and claimed she had no idea the wine bottles were there when she posted them on social media.

'We just wanted to take some beautiful pictures,' she said.

They are available for purchase in Italy, but publicly displaying Nazi symbols is illegal in Germany.

There have been calls for Germany's domestic intelligence agency to monitor the Alternative for Germany over extremism concerns

What else can't you do in Germany? The Jews put the magnifying glass over the bottles nobody can really see in the back ground. There were no Nazi symbols just images of right wing leaders!

So does owning images of right wing leaders make you into an"extremist"? I guess in that case every library in the world is "extremist"?

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