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France: "Immigrants" Declare "We Are Here To Stab White People"

Started by Rev.Cambeul, Wed 22 Nov 2023

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Gang that launched savage knife attack at French village's winter ball killing boy, 16, and injuring 17 'told guests "We are here to stab white people" before rampage'

 * The high school student was stabbed at the weekend at a dance party in Crepol

James Callery | Daily Mail (UK) | 22 November 2023

A gang that launched a savage knife attack at a French village's winter ball, killing a teenage boy, told guests, 'we are here to stab white people' before the rampage, according to a report.

The 16-year-old high school student, identified only as Thomas, was stabbed at the weekend when a group of outsiders descended on a festive crowd of around 400 people gathered in Crepol, in the southwestern Drome region, for a dance party in the village hall.

He died on his way to hospital, while at least 17 others were injured, two of them seriously.

Far-right activists have been posting videos online that they said were shot during the dance, claiming that they allow the identification of two of the attackers. One video circulating on social media shows several people involved in an altercation at night.

The authenticity of the videos has not been verified.

'We are here to stab white people', one of the attackers, dressed in overalls and trainers, allegedly shouted, according to testimony reported by Le Dauphiné libéré newspaper.

The killing has sparked political controversy in France, with the far-right on Tuesday branding the assault anti-white racism.

Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin told parliament that seven people had been arrested and investigators would now ascertain if they were behind 'this odious crime'.

A source close to the case, who asked not to be named, told AFP that the suspected killer was among the seven arrested around the city of Toulouse - some 400 kilometres (250 miles) away - in raids carried out by 50 gendarmes from the elite GIGN unit.

Even before the arrests, far-right politicians had been quick to blame the attack on youths from immigrant backgrounds from public housing, even if police have yet to give details on the identity of those arrested.

'Now anti-white racism is hitting our countryside,' Marion Marechal, the leading candidate for the far-right Reconquete! party of ex-presidential hopeful Eric Zemmour in next year's European elections, claimed on X, formerly Twitter.

Marine Le Pen, figurehead of the far-right National Rally (RN) party and a former presidential candidate, alleged in an interview with the weekly Valeurs Actuelles that 'armed militia' were organising 'raids'.

Zemmour, also on X, claimed: 'Our martyrs are innocent victims of the war of civilisations.'

Gendarmerie spokeswoman Marie-Laure Pezan said on Tuesday that the weekend's incident was marked 'by violence that was quite incredible for a village of 500 people'.

Josette Place, a pensioner and member of the village's events committee, told AFP: 'This wasn't a fight, it was an attack'.

Armed with knives and blocks of concrete, 'they came with the intention to kill', she said of the attackers.

According to prosecutors, around 10 young people tried to enter Crepol village dance hall on Saturday night. One stabbed a guard who stood in their way.

Guests at the dance rushed to help and a fight ensued outside the building during which Thomas was fatally stabbed.

Far-right activists have called for a silent march on Wednesday in Romans-sur-Isere, where Thomas's high school is located, using hashtags such as #francocide, #Francaisreveillezvous (France Wake Up) or #Racaille (Thugs) in their online posts.

Meanwhile, a gardener named only as Mourad was attacked on Friday southwest of Paris with a craft knife by a 75-year-old man, who shouted racist insults and was later detained.

Referring to the killing of Thomas and the attack on Mourad, French hard-left MP Francois Ruffin spoke out against a 'heavy atmosphere' in media and on social networks 'as if one had to take a side'.

'Let us all be bulwarks against these decisions and stay human,' Ruffin wrote on X.
At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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Noli Nothis Permittere Le Terere
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"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain.


The Western Chauvinist@WesternChauvinist1

No attempt at all to hide their anti-White agenda. These are the people our true (((enemies))) flood Our Homelands with.

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok


So they are not here to strengthen but to kill?  And the Jew system makes up convenient slogans to make it all sound great, like immigrants strengthen us.  How, when we had a thriving civilization set up here already?  Why didn't they help their own countries rather than flee from them?

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok


Nobody's said it, but it looks to me like the Irish Dublin stabbings of three children and two adults were done as a copycat attack on Whites. The Irish people's response was what can be described as a mostly peaceful demonstration. And like the Irish government, the French government is also panicking and going after any of its own citizens that choose to exercise their right to speak out ...

'Stab White People' Murder in French Village Could be 'Tipping Point' for Society, Warns Government

The French government has issued a plea against vigilantism in the wake of the slaying of a teenager in rural France by a group reported to have shouted "stab white people".

Excerpt: A government spokesman said it was for the judiciary to dispense justice, not the French people, and that there was a risk of society reaching a tipping point over the attack and response.

For those who felt motivated to strike back at the migrant community they perceived as being behind the death of Thomas at the village dance, justice came swiftly this week, with six people receiving sentences of six to ten months in prison each for their involvement in what was described as an "ultra-right" demonstration in the town of Romans-sur-Isère on Saturday. The group were also debarred from standing for election for five years with their conviction on Monday.

It was claimed that some of the young people who launched the attack on the Crépol dance had travelled from the Romans-sur-Isère suburb of Drôme and the prosecution said this "ultra-right" group had gone there in return to exact revenge for the death HOLD A PEACEFUL DEMONSTRATION. Among those in court were reported to have been a soldier, a computer developer, and students between the ages of 18 and 25.

The public prosecutor warned "No one can take justice into their own hands outside the law" and that anyone who tried would be punished.

The French government followed up the prosecutions with the statement it was going to ban three "ultra-right" groups it said was responsible for the march on the migrant neighbourhood at the weekend, one of which it named as the 'Martel Division', presumably named for the 8th century Frankish leader who united France and played a pivotal role in turning back Islamic occupation of Europe at the Battle of Tours.

Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin said of the ban: "I am going to propose the end of a group called the Martel Division. Just the name obviously scares us... I believe that there is a mobilization among the ultra-right which wants to push us, as Mr. Roussel said, into civil war... No one is going to replace the State."

Comment: "No one is going to replace the state"? Eh? We'll see about that. It's time for a Regime Change. And not just in France or Ireland either. ~ @Cailen.
At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

Crypto Coin Details in Forum Profile

Noli Nothis Permittere Le Terere
The only way to prevent 1984 is 2323
Joining the Creativity Alliance is Free

"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain.


"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok

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